[FieldTrip] problem with surface Laplacian

Max Cantor mcantor at umich.edu
Wed Dec 17 15:07:24 CET 2014

It seems like the issue is between the number of channels in your input
(48) is different from the number of channels in the sensor description
(60). You should use ft_channelrepair to interpolate the removed channels,
and then it should work barring any other issues.

On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 5:45 AM, Hwee Ling Lee <hweeling.lee at gmail.com>
> Dear all,
> I have 60 channel EEG resting state data, and after discarding bad
> channels, I am left with 48 channels common to all subjects.
> I applied scalp current density to my data before extracting power
> information from my EEG data. The EEG cap that I used was in a 10-10
> system, and I don't have the electrode position file. Hence, I used the
> default electrode position file named 'standard_1005.elc' for the purpose.
> Here's the part of my script for the surface Laplacian:
>     cfg_neighb.method = 'template';
>     cfg_neighb.layout = 'EEG1010.lay';
>     cfg_neighb.channel = 'all';
>     cfg_neighb.feedback = 'no';
>     neighbours = ft_prepare_neighbours(cfg_neighb, data7);
>     cfg                 = [];
>     cfg.method          = 'finite';
>     cfg.elecfile        = 'standard_1005.elc';
>     cfg.elec            = ft_read_sens(cfg.elecfile);
>     cfg.trials          = 'all';
>     cfg.neighbours      = neighbours;
>     cfg.conductivity    = 0.33;
>     data8               = ft_scalpcurrentdensity(cfg, data7);
> When I tried to extract power from data8 (after surface Laplacian), I keep
> getting an error message (see below). I'm not sure why this would be the
> case, and would appreciate very much if someone could help me resolve the
> error!
> Thank you!
> Here's my script for extracting the power:
>  cfg                 = [];
>     cfg.output          = 'pow';
>     cfg.channel         = {'all'};
>     cfg.method          = 'mtmfft';
>     cfg.keeptrials      = 'no';
>     cfg.tapsmofrq       = 5;
>     cfg.layout          = 'EEG1010.lay';
>     % for frequencies up to 30 Hz
>     cfg.foilim          = [1 30]; % either the full range of frequencies
> (data2.hdr.Fs/2) or up to 100 Hz
>     cfg.taper           = 'hanning';
>     % find the index for the c200 condition
>     pre_c200_idx = find(data8.trialinfo == 200);
>     cfg.trials          = pre_c200_idx;
>     LF_pre_c200        = ft_freqanalysis(cfg, data8);
> Here's the output plus error message:
> the input is raw data with 48 channels and 343 trials
> Error using ft_datatype_sens (line 375)
> inconsistent number of channels in sensor description
> Error in ft_datatype_raw (line 138)
>       data.elec = ft_datatype_sens(data.elec);
> Error in ft_checkdata (line 223)
>   data = ft_datatype_raw(data, 'hassampleinfo', hassampleinfo);
> Error in ft_freqanalysis (line 209)
> data = ft_checkdata(data, 'datatype', {'raw', 'raw+comp', 'mvar'},
> 'feedback',
> cfg.feedback, 'hassampleinfo', 'yes');
> Best regards,
> Hweeling
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Max Cantor
Lab Manager
Computational Neurolinguistics Lab
University of Michigan
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