[FieldTrip] Non-parametric connectivity analysis

Matt Gerhold matt.gerhold at gmail.com
Wed Aug 27 21:37:00 CEST 2014


I'm currently trying to run a connectivity analysis. I am using 127 channel
data, of which has been preprocessed using standard processing steps. I
have then derived the CSD estimates using the CSD toolbox. When computing
the non-parametric connectivity analysis I encounter the following warnings
when computing the PDC (see below). I get similar warnings when computing
granger causality, however, with the granger spectrum the solution is
characterized by - Inf values

In connectivity\private\sfactorization_wilson at 150
  In ft_connectivity_csd2transfer at 181
  In ft_connectivityanalysis at 390
Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be
inaccurate. RCOND =

Can anyone shed some light on the situation?

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