[FieldTrip] Problem in creating cell array for within-analysis

KatrinH Heimann katrinheimann at gmail.com
Thu Aug 14 08:25:09 CEST 2014

Dear all,
I am sorry I have another silly problem. I try to create the cell array for
a within-analysis.

I am using the following code to load the single subject structs and put
them in an array calles all90.

load ('ERP_AnnaLisa13obs90_ERP.mat')

all90(1,:) = obs90_data_ERP

load ('ERP_Benedetta23obs90_ERP.mat')

all90(2,:) = obs90_data_ERP

Unfortunately the result is a struct array. I can convert it to a cell by
struct2cell but then fieldtrip does not recognise it as ERP data anymore as
the labels inside of the struct disappear. Anybody who can help?
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