[FieldTrip] cluster based permutation test - cfg.clusteralpha threshold

Balint File file.balint at ttk.mta.hu
Thu Apr 24 16:23:52 CEST 2014

Dear Fieldtrip experts,

Recently I started to apply the spatial dimension (electrode 
neighborhood) of the cluster based permutation test. My question is: 
it's a valid way to choose a more permissive threshold 
(cfg.clusteralpha) at the level of the clusters identifying t-tests? 
According to the publication of Maris et al., 2007 ("this threshold does 
not affect the FA rate of the statistical test. However, this threshold 
does affect the sensitivity of the test. For example, weak but 
long-lasting effects are not detected when the threshold is large") it 
seems to me, that this threshold depends on the nature of the data.For 
lower cfg.clusteralpha  threshold (<0.15) I get more extensive (and more 
explainable)  results and the clusters still show high significance 
(<<0.025) at the permutation test.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards,

Bálint File

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