[FieldTrip] Channel layout FT to EEGLAB

Rajat Thomas rajatthomas at gmail.com
Mon Oct 28 14:39:23 CET 2013

Dear all,

I made a layout file using the image of the ecog array I had, just like
described in the

I would like to port this to EEGLAB, so that I can use the various ICA
options to plot
the components at the channel locations and so on.

Could anyone either point me to a file that does this conversion? or
Any way of using ICA within fieldtrip to plot the various components on the
channels using the layout file?

I know it is used for channel rejection and so on but any help on plotting
the components
back on the ICA would be appreciated.

Thanks a lot in advance.


Rajat Mani Thomas
Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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