[FieldTrip] coregistration question

Nicola Molinaro n.molinaro at bcbl.eu
Tue Nov 12 17:48:36 CET 2013

Hi Jan-Mathijs,
everything started from the fact that I tried to source reconstruct a M1
ERF visual response as a test. The effect at the source level was clearly
posterior in the MEG sensors.

However, the source reconstruction gave me a solution with its maximum in
the orbitofrontal regions of the brain. This result emerged when I employed
the "correct fiducials" extracted from the Neuromag software.

I thought that maybe I had to flip some landmarks to have the effect on the
back of the brain. That's why I switched rpa and lpa, with however a more
sparse solution.

I suspect that grid, isotrack points and MEG channels are ok (when I plot
them together in Matlab they are well aligned).

Somehow, when I interpolate the power with the realigned brain something
goes wrong, and the ft_sourceplot (the one of my previous e-mail) give me
the results I described above.

I also have to admit that ft_sourceplot in 'neuromag' coordinates shows the
brain upside-down.



Nicola Molinaro, Phd
Staff Scientist

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