[FieldTrip] question about coregistration

Nicola Molinaro n.molinaro at bcbl.eu
Wed Nov 6 11:52:19 CET 2013

Thanks guys for any possible help. Really appreciate it!

I will summarize my tests:

1. reading the COR-<filename>.fif produced by MRIlab with ft_read_mri

Well, it seems that ft_read_mri reads the original (not coregistered) .fif
file produced in earlier steps of the forward model calculation (COR.fif).
For example, if I delete the COR.fif file, ft_read_mri gives an error.
ft_read_mri applied to the COR-<filename>.fif should be able to read some
header, and for this reason I tried the option suggested by Joram
(including ft_volumereslice). However, when I plot the volume head model

*hs=ft_read_headshape(<meg_raw_filename>.fif. 'unit','mm'); %get headshape

There is an evident misalignment between isotrack points and the brain
volume. I mean NO coregistration is done. you can also appreciate it when
plotting a prearicular instead of the nasion with

*cfg = [];*
*cfg.location = [66.4 0 0];          %%% fill in a fiducial point from the
current subject by hand, to check if coregistration went correctly*
*cfg.locationcoordinates = 'head';*

Take home message: Fieldtrip does not read the coregistration done in
MRIlab, and you have to coregister MEG and MRI again.

2. Using

cfg.method = 'headshape'
cfg.headshape = 'XXX.pos'

for ft_volumerealign. I played with it, but in neuromag the polhemous data
are within the header of the *<meg_raw_filename>.fif* file. You can export
the isotrack point however from MRIlab. After importing then with

File>Import>Isotrack data

you can then export them with


and specifying the coordinate system in which you want your point (either
Head, or MRI or Voxel). This file cannot be read by ft_volumerealign with
the headshape method. However, the first three lines of the resulting .txt
file will give you the nasion and the two pre-auricolar points positions. I
tried importing the voxel positions of the three points in ft_volumerealign
using the method

cfg.coordsys       = 'neuromag';
cfg.method         = 'fiducial';

And it worked, the brain volume is aligned with the isotrack points. This
is the only solution that is visually reliable to perform

On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 10:06 AM, Joram van Driel <joramvandriel at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Nicola,
> I also did coregistration in MRI-lab using isotrak data.
> Importing the fif files in fieldtrip worked fine, I don’t think you have
> to apply ft_volumerealign again. I suspect ft_volumereslice is a crucial
> ingredient.
> This worked for me:
>     mri = ft_read_mri(<mri.fif>);            %%% read the MRI; the fif
> file is in mm but FT changes it into meters
>     mri = ft_convert_units(mri,'mm');        %%% make it mm as it
> originally was
>     mri = ft_volumereslice([], mri);         %%% after this function the
> ficual points in the MEG header match the coordinates in the MRI
> Then you should indeed check this with ft_sourceplot, where in the cfg you
> can fill in fiducial points to check if they make sense, e.g.:
>     cfg = [];
>     cfg.location = [0 90.5 0];          %%% fill in a fiducial point from
> the current subject by hand, to check if coregistration went correctly
>     cfg.locationcoordinates = 'head';
>     ft_sourceplot(cfg,mri);
> Hope this helps.
> Best,
> Joram
> On 05 Nov 2013, at 09:43, jan-mathijs schoffelen <
> jan.schoffelen at donders.ru.nl> wrote:
> Dear Nicola,
> I am forwarding your question to the list, "ter lering ende vermaak":
> Begin forwarded message:
> *From: *Nicola Molinaro <nicolaml at gmail.com>
> *Date: *November 4, 2013 2:16:20 PM GMT+01:00
> *To: *jan-mathijs schoffelen <jan.schoffelen at donders.ru.nl>
> *Subject: **mm -> voxels ??*
> Hi Jan,
> I am trying to align the T1 images with isotrak data using MRIlab and then
> import the coregistrated image to fieldtrip. Comparing the headshape points
> with the volume, we can see that Fieldtrip is not taking into account the
> coregistration. Thus, we are trying to do the corregistration applying the
> ft_volumerealign function with the method='fiducial' in Fieldtrip.  I have
> the information of the landmarks' position obtained with MRIlab in 'mm' and
> the function ft_volumerealign need them in voxel index. How can you convert
> that?
> I don´t know if you ever used MRIlab to obtain this information or another
> software (MNE?).
> Thanks
> Nicola
> Indeed I have never used MRIlab for coregistration purposes, so I may not
> be of much help here. However, I suspect that the coregistration procedure
> in MRIlab allows you to export your MRI after coregistration, thus creating
> an file with an anatomical image in register with what you want to achieve.
> If this is the case, then I don't think that you need FieldTrip to
> coregister again. I am therefore a bit confused with respect to your remark
> that 'FieldTrip is not taking into account the coregistration'. If you read
> in an MRI into FieldTrip, the resulting MRI-structure will contain a
> transform field, that provides the mapping from voxel space into a more
> meaningful coordinate system. FieldTrip will not 'guess' the nature of this
> coordinate system: it just takes the values as they are in the file. Once
> you have read in your MRI, you can use the ft_sourceplot function for
> visualization. With cfg.method = 'ortho', the figure will also display the
> coordinates that you click on (both in voxel indices and in real world
> coordinates). Now, do you mean by 'FieldTrip does not take into account the
> coregistration' that these real world coordinates are not as expected?
> To answer your question regarding the conversion of landmark positions in
> 'mm' back into voxel indices: this requires information from the
> mri.transform matrix, but this implies that the mri is already in register,
> so there would be no need anymore to call ft_volumerealign.
> Either way, you could also do the coregistration entirely in FieldTrip.
> This requires a two-step approach, calling ft_volumerealign twice (starting
> from the raw DICOM files, i.e. prior to having used MRIlab). In the first
> step you will use cfg.interactive = 'yes' and identify the fiducials that
> define your corodinate system. Assuming that you are working with your MEG
> data acquired at BCBL, you should also specify cfg.coordsys = 'neuromag').
> The output to this funcion call is an MRI structure that is approximately
> in register with the MEG-device. In the next step you can refine this
> coregistration by calling ft_volumerealign (with the approximately
> registered MRI in the input, and) with cfg.method = 'headshape', and
> cfg.headshape = 'XXX.pos' (the filename of your polhemus file). This should
> result (providing that the isotrak data can be read ;-) ) in an interactive
> figure, that allows you to further align the MRI with the polhemus point
> cloud that describes the headshape. Once you are happy enough, the figure
> can be closed, and an iterative-closest-point algorithm is applied for
> further refinement of the coregistration.
> I hope this helps, and might inspire you to try out the coregistration in
> FieldTrip (and give feedback to us about it, in order to make the procedure
> more robust).
> Best wishes,
> Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen, MD PhD
> Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour,
> Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging,
> Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
> Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics,
> Nijmegen, The Netherlands
> J.Schoffelen at donders.ru.nl
> Telephone: +31-24-3614793
> http://www.hettaligebrein.nl
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Nicola Molinaro, Phd
Staff Scientist

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