[FieldTrip] maximum statistic in cluster correction

van Lier Ben ben.vanlier at bsse.ethz.ch
Fri Nov 1 12:33:02 CET 2013

Hi Eric,

Thanks for the answer. I really just dont see it... Where does the permutation distribution of the max cluster stat come from if you don't do a permutation test?

But you don't actually need that distribution just the statistic?? how do you know then where your max stat (and the other clusterstats) is compared to the critical value at alpha?

lets say your max clusterstat = 10

P(max(clusterstat) _> cv) = 0.05
so the probability that we see 10 or higher is 5% if h0 is in fact true. we actually are seeing 10 and thus (falsely) reject h0. so that always happens when h0 is true - you always reject the max cluster when h0 is true? doesn't make sense :(


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