Nathan Weisz
nathanweisz at mac.com
Thu Mar 14 21:22:19 CET 2013
Hi inna,
never used this method, but repetitions means you need single trials (it's not an averaged time-series you are talking about, right?).
here some suggestions:
when importing your data from Excel (how did that happen? :-)) into matlab, make a data structure that looks like one following ft_preprocessing.
then run ft_freqanalysis with output "powandcsd" and keeptrials "yes" as options (and other options of course). this is at least what i assume after looking ft_connectivityanalysis
then enter the structure which results from your former step into ft_connectivityanalysis with method specified as "wpli_debiased"
perhaps wpli-experts want to correct me if i got something wrong.
good luck,
On 14.03.2013, at 20:41, McGowin, Inna wrote:
> Hello fieldtrippers!
> I would like to calculate wPLI (weighted phase lag index) for two time-series (created by a beamformer).
> It's described here: http://fieldtrip.fcdonders.nl/reference/ft_connectivity_wpli
> What do repetitions mean in input argument for the function?
> I have the data in a text or Excel format that I could import into Matlab directly:
> 1st column is time,
> 2nd column is 1st source intensities and
> 3rd column is 2nd source intensities.
> Assuming I get my input data in the correct format, is this a correct line to call the function (I need a debiased wPLI)?
> [wpi, v, n] = ft_connectivity_wpli(input, debias 1)
> Thanks,
> Inna
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