[FieldTrip] problem with MEG leadfield
s.rombetto at cib.na.cnr.it
s.rombetto at cib.na.cnr.it
Mon Mar 11 16:05:21 CET 2013
Thank you Hamid and Lilla
your observations were correct and I solved my problem :-)
Thanks for helping
Best regards
> Hi,
> In MEG normally people use single layer volume conductor and It
> is believed that three layer is not useful and can deteriorate the results
> (this is in contrast to EEG). Therefore, you should use a single shell or
> a single sphere for MEG, which models only the brain (conductivity of the
> scalp is assumed to be same as the air).
> Thanks
> On 10 March 2013 17:22, <s.rombetto at cib.na.cnr.it> wrote:
>> Hi everybody
>> I'm trying to generate a field for a simulated dipole using the command
>> ft_dipolesimulation, for a MEG study.
>> I do the following:
>> -read the hdr
>> -import the sensor structure with the following lines
>> grad=hdr.grad;
>> radius = sqrt(sum(grad.chanpos.^2,2));
>> grad.chanpos = grad.chanpos./ [radius radius radius];
>> grad.label=hdr.label(1:306)';
>> -then I create the vol structure using the following code
>> vol = [];
>> vol.r = 12 * [0.88 0.92 1.00]; % radii of spheres, the head radius is 12
>> cm
>> vol.c = [1 1/80 1]; % conductivity
>> vol.o = [0 0 0];
>> At this point I have the grad structure, and the vol structure.
>> Then I give all the options for the dipole simulation with the code
>> %% create a dipole simulation with a custom timecourse
>> cfg = [];
>> cfg.vol = vol; % see above
>> cfg.grad = grad; % see above
>> cfg.dip.pos = [0 0.5 0.3];
>> cfg.dip.mom = [1 0 0]';
>> cfg.dip.frequency = 10; %Hz
>> cfg.ntrials = 10;
>> cfg.triallength = 20; % seconds
>> cfg.fsample = 250; % Hz
>> but when I try to esecute the line
>> raw1 = ft_dipolesimulation(cfg);
>> I find this error
>> ??? Error using ==> ft_compute_leadfield at 301
>> unsupported volume conductor model for MEG
>> Error in ==> ft_dipolesimulation at 198
>> lf = ft_compute_leadfield(dippos{**trial}, sens, vol);
>> I really cannot understand why volume conductor model is not supported.
>> Any suggestion? I'm pretty sure that the mistake is trivial, but I'm not
>> able to see it.
>> Thank you!
>> Dott.ssa Sara Rombetto
>> Istituto di Cibernetica
>> "E. Caianiello"
>> Via Campi Flegrei, 34
>> 80078 Pozzuoli (NA)
>> Italy
>> mob +39 3491530515
>> tel +39 0818675361
>> fax +39 0818675128
>> "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right
>> to say
>> it." [Evelyn Beatrice Hall, The Friends Of Voltaire]
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> --
> Hamid R. Mohseni, PhD
> Post-Doctoral Research Assistant
> Institute of Biomedical Engineering
> University of Oxford, OX3 7DQ, UK
> Tel: +44 (0) 1865 2 83826
Dott.ssa Sara Rombetto
Istituto di Cibernetica
"E. Caianiello"
Via Campi Flegrei, 34
80078 Pozzuoli (NA)
mob +39 3491530515
tel +39 0818675361
fax +39 0818675128
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your
right to say
it." [Evelyn Beatrice Hall, The Friends Of Voltaire]
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