[FieldTrip] Antw: Re: MNE surface data: normalising and averaging?
Gregor Volberg
Gregor.Volberg at psychologie.uni-regensburg.de
Wed Mar 6 09:50:55 CET 2013
Hi Gio, Jan-Mathijs and Jörn,
thank you all for your helpful replies. Gio, a special 'thank you' for your
very detailled response. These are very interesting points, though somewhat
beyond of what I try to do. I will be working through the suggested literature
and the new tutorial and might come back later if there are further questions.
Best regard,
Dr. rer. nat. Gregor Volberg <gregor.volberg at psychologie.uni-regensburg.de> (
mailto:gregor.volberg at psychologie.uni-regensburg.de )
University of Regensburg
Institute for Experimental Psychology
93040 Regensburg, Germany
Tel: +49 941 943 3862
Fax: +49 941 943 3233
>>> Gio Piantoni <gio at gpiantoni.com> 05.03.2013 09:20 >>>
Hi Gregor,
I also like the surface approach a lot, but things get really
complicated when you have to average across subjects. I don't know if
you are familiar with statistics in freesurfer, but what they do is to
convert the source points of the single subject to a subject-specific
sphere. Then the sphere is averaged across subjects. The
coregistration between these spheres takes advantage of landmarks.
See my attempt at:
If I understand you correctly, you are at step 3). You can use smudge
to get to the high-resolution smoothwm (or pial). Then the number of
vertices in smoothwm corresponds to the number of vertices in the
Here you have two options: use fieldtrip code or MNE code. I tried
using fieldtrip code, but where I got stuck was to do statistics on
the averaged sphere (taken from fsaverage). I used this code:
where data{i1,i2,p,h} is already projected onto the subject-specific sphere.
However, after projecting to the averaged sphere, you need to do
statistics on a 2-d cortical sheet and, from my understanding, the
subfunctions to create clusters do not work all that well. I think
it'd be very powerful to do statistics on a 2d sheet. See
for discussion. I did not get far because the clustering methods
needed updated to work on cortical sheets in an efficient manner.
Another route you can try is to use the MNE/freesurfer software to do
that. See for example: http://martinos.org/mne/manual/morph.html You'd
just write the surface to disk and use MNE/freesurfer. I personally
don't like the method to correct for multiple comparisons in
freesurfer (which I think might give false positive) and I think that
the fieldtrip stats is better, but I had some problems getting to work
on 2-d cortical sheets.
For the moment, I decided to go with the volume-based approach,
although I have the feeling that it's less accurate and less
sensitive. See also: Tucholka, A., Fritsch, V., Poline, J.-B., and
Thirion, B. (2012). An empirical comparison of surface-based and
volume-based group studies in neuroimaging. Neuroimage 63, 1443–1453.
Maybe I confused you more than helped, but if you manage to do
statistics on surfaces, please let me know because I'd be interested
in using it.
Hope this helps.
Giovanni Piantoni, MSc
Dept. Sleep & Cognition
Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience
Meibergdreef 47
1105 BA Amsterdam (NL)
+31 20 5665492
gio at gpiantoni.com
On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 6:45 PM, Gregor Volberg
<Gregor.Volberg at psychologie.uni-regensburg.de> wrote:
> Dear Fieldtrippers,
> I need to ask for a helpful hint on MNE source reconstructions. Following
> this tutorial http://fieldtrip.fcdonders.nl/tutorial/minimumnormestimate I
> obtained nice individual cortical meshes and source points; the MNE forward
> and inverse solution for the individuals all work well. I would now like to
> normalize the individual grids to a template brain in order to do
> and averaging for plotting. I figured out that I could use
> ft_sourceinterpolate to tranform the grid into a volumetric representation,
> and then use ft_volumenormalise to normalise to a standard brain. But this
> did not work too well for source structures containing time series (like
> 'mne'-stcutures) where the computational load gets very high. I also tried
> to use a grid of one subject as a template for the other subject's grids
> with ft_sourceinterpolate and cfg.interpmethod = 'smudge', but this seems
> require two grids with the same number of source points as input(?).
> Is there a way to do a normalisation directly on brain triangulations /
> source grids ? Thanks for any help!
> Best regards,
> Gregor
> --
> Dr. rer. nat. Gregor Volberg <gregor.volberg at psychologie.uni-regensburg.de>
> ( mailto:gregor.volberg at psychologie.uni-regensburg.de )
> University of Regensburg
> Institute for Experimental Psychology
> 93040 Regensburg, Germany
> Tel: +49 941 943 3862
> Fax: +49 941 943 3233
> http://www.psychologie.uni-regensburg.de/Greenlee/team/volberg/volberg.html
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