[FieldTrip] Combined EEG and MEG source reconstruction

Mushfa Yousuf mushfa.yousuf at googlemail.com
Fri Mar 8 16:12:52 CET 2013


I have few problems while calculating combine “MEG & EEG” source
reconstruction and I need your help to troubleshoot the problems.

I have a data from a Parkinson’s disease patient who underwent DBS and we
recorded 306 MEG channels and 64 EEG channels simultaneously, first I have
calculated the leadfield individually for both EEG and MEG.

I have defined all the calculations step by step so that I can describe my
problems very precisely.


// I have defined the Pre-Stimulus data i.e. Stim-off data in the original

*Reading raw data set for MEG channels*

* *

cfg = [];

cfg.dataset  = ‘ap_rest_stimon_bi_2_5ma.fif';

cfg.trialdef.eventtype      = '?';

cfg.trialdef.triallength = 1;

cfg.trialdef.poststim       = 88;

cfg = ft_definetrial(cfg);

cfg.trl = cfg.trl(1:88,:);   // Read 88 trials

cfg.channel   = {'MEG'};     *// In order to read raw data only for MEG

dataFIC12 = ft_preprocessing(cfg);

After that I have defined the *time of window of interest* for the MEG raw
data set

cfg.toilim = [0 0.5];

dataPost = ft_redefinetrial(cfg, dataFIC12);

and calculate the *Power Spectral density matrix* for the MEG channels data

cfg = [];

cfg.method    = 'mtmfft';

cfg.output    = 'powandcsd';

cfg.tapsmofrq = 2;

cfg.foilim    = [129 129];  // Frequency of interest is 129 Hz the
stimulation frequency

cfg.pad = 1;

freqPost = ft_freqanalysis(cfg, dataPost);

Now next step for me is to choose the method for the Head Model. I have
noticed that Singlesphere is the common method which can be used for both
EEG and MEG. So I have selected the singlesphere method for the calculation
of volume conduction model.

mri = ft_read_mri(‘ms1879865-0004-00001-000192-01.img'); // READ MRI

cfg = [];

cfg.write      = 'no';

cfg.coordsys   = 'ctf';

segmentedmri1 = ft_volumesegment(cfg, mri); // Calculate the segmented mri

cfg = [];

cfg.method = 'singlesphere'; // *METHOD*

vol1 = ft_prepare_headmodel(cfg, segmentedmri1);

Now next step is to calculate the LEADFIELD

cfg                 = [];

cfg.grad            = freqPost.grad;

cfg.vol             = vol1;

cfg.reducerank      = 2;    // MEG

cfg.channel         = {'MEG'};

cfg.grid.resolution = 1; // I choose a resolution 1

[grid1] = ft_prepare_leadfield(cfg);


*        xgrid: [-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7]*

*        ygrid: [-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]*

*        zgrid: [-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11]*

*          dim: [15 16 16]*

*          pos: [3840x3 double]*

*         unit: 'cm'*

*       inside: [1x2037 double]*

*      outside: [1x1803 double]*

*          cfg: [1x1 struct]*

*    leadfield: {1x3840 cell}*

* *

* *

Ø  It has to be noticed that Inside Dipole is 2037.

* *


*Reading raw data set for EEG channels*

* *

cfg = [];

cfg.dataset  = ‘ap_rest_stimon_bi_2_5ma.fif';

cfg.trialdef.eventtype      = '?';

cfg.trialdef.triallength = 1;

cfg.trialdef.poststim       = 88;

cfg = ft_definetrial(cfg);

cfg.trl = cfg.trl(1:88,:);   // Read 88 trials

cfg.channel   = {'EEG'};     *// In order to read raw data only for EEG

dataFIC12 = ft_preprocessing(cfg);

After that I have defined the *time of window of interest* for the EEG raw
data set

cfg.toilim = [0 0.5];

dataPost = ft_redefinetrial(cfg, dataFIC12);

and calculate the *Power Spectral density matrix* for the EEG channels data

cfg = [];

cfg.method    = 'mtmfft';

cfg.output    = 'powandcsd';

cfg.tapsmofrq = 2;

cfg.foilim    = [129 129];  // Frequency of interest is 129 Hz

cfg.pad = 1;

freqPost = ft_freqanalysis(cfg, dataPost);


mri = ft_read_mri(‘ms1879865-0004-00001-000192-01.img');

cfg = [];

cfg.write      = 'no';

cfg.coordsys   = 'ctf';

segmentedmri2 = ft_volumesegment(cfg, mri);

cfg = [];

cfg.method = 'singlesphere';  // METHOD

vol2 = ft_prepare_headmodel(cfg, segmentedmri2);


cfg            = [];

cfg.elec       = freqPost.elec;

cfg.vol        = vol2;

cfg.reducerank = 3;     % 3 for EEG

cfg.channel    = {'EEG'};

cfg.grid.resolution = 9.54;   // Increase the resolution so that the inside
dipoles for

                                                               EEG should
be close to the inside dipoles of

[grid2] = ft_prepare_leadfield(cfg);


*        xgrid: [1x16 double]*

*        ygrid: [1x16 double]*

*        zgrid: [1x13 double]*

*          dim: [16 16 13]*

*          pos: [3328x3 double]*

*         unit: 'mm'*

*       inside: [1x2038 double]*

*      outside: [1x1290 double]*

*          cfg: [1x1 struct]*

*    leadfield: {1x3328 cell}*

Ø  It has to be noticed that Inside Dipole is 2038.

*Concatenate of MEG and EEG LEADFIELD:-*

Now I have the individual LEADFIELD of both MEG and EEG grid1 and grid2


*        xgrid: [-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7]*

*        ygrid: [-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]*

*        zgrid: [-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11]*

*          dim: [15 16 16]*

*          pos: [3840x3 double]*

*         unit: 'cm'*

*       inside: [1x2037 double]*

*      outside: [1x1803 double]*

*          cfg: [1x1 struct]*

*    leadfield: {1x3840 cell}*

* *


*        xgrid: [1x16 double]*

*        ygrid: [1x16 double]*

*        zgrid: [1x13 double]*

*          dim: [16 16 13]*

*          pos: [3328x3 double]*

*         unit: 'mm'*

*       inside: [1x2038 double]*

*      outside: [1x1290 double]*

*          cfg: [1x1 struct]*

*    leadfield: {1x3328 cell}*

* *

*Few things to be noticed here *

* *

Ø  *unit is different for both MEG ‘cm’ and EEG ‘mm’*

Ø  *I have used the same method for calculating the Volume for both MEG &
EEG => “Singlesphere” *

Ø  *Concatenating the “pos” vector of EEG and MEG and the other vectors*

* *

*Grid.pos = cat(1,grid1.pos,grid2.pos);*

*Grid.xgrid = [grid1.xgrid grid2.xgrid];*

*Grid.ygrid = [grid1.ygrid grid2.ygrid];*

*Grid.zgrid = [grid1.zgrid grid2.zgrid];*

*Grid.inside = [grid1.inside grid2.inside];*

*Grid.outside = [grid1.outside grid2.outside];*

*Grid.leadfield = [grid1.leadfield grid2.leadfield];*

*Grid.dim = [grid1.dim grid2.dim];*

* *

*Combined Source Reconstruction:-*

cfg = [];

cfg.dataset  = ‘ap_rest_stimon_bi_2_5ma.fif';

cfg.trialdef.eventtype      = '?';

cfg.trialdef.triallength = 1;

cfg.trialdef.poststim       = 88;

cfg = ft_definetrial(cfg);

cfg.trl = cfg.trl(1:88,:);   // Read 88 trials

cfg.channel   = {'MEG',’EEG’}; *// In order to read raw data for MEG & EEG

dataFIC12 = ft_preprocessing(cfg);

After that as previously defined, I have calculated the Spectral density.

Now I have to calculate the inverse solution for both EEG & MEG data trials.

*Source Analysis: without contrasting condition:-*

* *

cfg              = [];

cfg.method       = 'dics';

cfg.frequency    = 129;

cfg.grid         = Grid;  // Concatenated grid

cfg.vol          = vol1;  // As vol1 = vol2 : both singlesphere

cfg.powmethod = 'trace';

cfg.dics.projectnoise = 'yes';

cfg.dics.lambda       = 0.0001;

sourcePost_nocon = ft_sourceanalysis(cfg, freqPost); // *freqpost contains
both MEG *

*                                                        and EEG row data*

*                                                    ***

I have received the following error:

scanning grid 2037/4075

??? Error using ==> svd

Input to SVD must not contain NaN or Inf.

Error in ==> beamformer_dics>pinv at 568

  [U,S,V] = svd(A,0);

Error in ==> beamformer_dics at 314

        filt = pinv(lf' * invCf * lf) * lf' * invCf;              % Gross
eqn. 3,

        use PINV/SVD to cover rank deficient leadfield

Error in ==> ft_sourceanalysis at 595

      dip(i) = beamformer_dics(grid, sens, vol, [],  squeeze(Cf(i,:,:)),


Error in ==> code at 227

sourcePost_nocon = ft_sourceanalysis(cfg, freqPost);

Ø  If you notice that till 2037 grid it represents the MEG grid and after
that EEG grid is concatenated. i.e 2037 +2038 = 4075 (which also represent
inside dipole).

Ø  Secondly I try to use other method for the head modeling i.e openmeeg,
dipoli and bemcp method which leads me to different errors which I was
unable to trouble shoot.

·         Openmeeg = OpenMEEG binaries are not correctly installed

·         Dipoli = vol.mat file was missing after calculating the headmodel

·         Bemcp = vol.mat file contains NaN fiels which leads to wrong

         leadfield computation.

*I apologize for the long email. I wanted to show the steps which I used so
that it is easier to debug the problem.*

* *

Thank you;

Mushfa Yousuf

On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 2:36 PM, Robert Oostenveld <
r.oostenveld at donders.ru.nl> wrote:

> Dear Mushfa
> In principle it can be made to work, but you'll have to do a little bit of
>  work outside fieldtrip. You would start with
> 1) ft_prepare_headmodel and ft_prepare_leadfield for the MEG part
> 2) ft_prepare_headmodel and ft_prepare_leadfield for the EEG part
> Subsequently you would (manually) concatenate the leadfields of the MEG
> and EEG. Here you have to make sure that the channel order is consistent
> with that in your combined data.
> The resulting structure with combined leadfields can be passed into
> ft_sourceanalysis as cfg.grid.
> However, I foresee a problem with the scaling. At this moment FieldTrip is
> not (yet) very precise in maintaining the correct units throughout.
> Consequently you might get different units for the EEG and MEG contribution
> to each dipole, causing weird cancelation effects. You'll just have to
> check carefully that the leadfield units and the data units consistently
> scaled between megmag, megplanar and eeg.
> This brings me to another known problem for the combined vectorview
> magnetometer and planar gradiometer channels: at this moment the forward
> computation computes both in T (or fT), whereas the data is represented as
> T for the magnetometers and T/m for the gradiometers. So the gradiometer
> leadfields are off by a factor "1/baseline", which is approximately 1/70 if
> I recall correctly. Many neuromag users use only the planar channels, and
> therefore don't notice. We are working on fixing the neuromag
> channel/gradiometer units. That is not as simple as it appears, because
> conversions of the geometrical dimensions from m to cm or mm also affect
> the gradiometer baseline. So converting the data from m to mm should result
> in the planar channel data getting 1000 times smaller, whereas the
> magnetometer channels shoudl stay the same. See
> http://bugzilla.fcdonders.nl/show_bug.cgi?id=963 and
> http://bugzilla.fcdonders.nl/show_bug.cgi?id=963 if you want to follow
> this.
> best regards
> Robert
> On 28 Jan 2013, at 20:20, Mushfa Yousuf wrote:
> Hello Fieldtrippers,
> I am currently doing source analysis using beamformer method in fieldtrip.
> The data i work on is a simultaneous measurement of MEG (306) with EEG
> (128) on PD patients.
> I was successful in calculating the sources for both the modalities alone.
> I tried according the tutorial "Combined EEG and MEG source reconstruction" and was successful till the estimation
> of the lead field. But, then when i want to use the created vol for the
> source analysis i have two structures one for EEG and the second one for
> MEG. Now, i can only define only one to estimate the sources. How to use
> this for both the modalities? Any help would be appreciated.
> With regards
> Mushfa
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