[FieldTrip] Fwd: Announcement of Donders Discussions 2013
Eelke Spaak
eelke.spaak at donders.ru.nl
Mon Jul 15 10:15:14 CEST 2013
See below; apologies for multiple postings.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vogel, S. (Susanne) <s.vogel at fcdonders.ru.nl>
Date: 14 July 2013 12:58
Subject: Announcement of Donders Discussions 2013
To: fieldtrip-owner at science.ru.nl
Dear fieltrip list owner,
We are happy to announce the Donders Discussions 2013 and we would be
happy if you could distribute this announcement to the fieldrip list
or other interested PhD students.
With best regards,
Dear PhD student,
We are pleased to announce the Donders Discussions 2013: a two-day
conference for PhD students in all fields of (cognitive) neuroscience
which will take place on October 31st and November 1st in Nijmegen,
The Netherlands.
The aim of the Donders Discussions is to bring PhD students together
in an informal, interdisciplinary atmosphere. Last year we welcomed
over 150 participants from all over Europe. We invite you to join us
and make this year’s edition an even bigger success!
Our exciting program features brains of many kinds, including baby
brains, sleeping, stressed and disordered brains, linguistic,
attentive and aging brains, and of course investigated brains (where
we review methodological innovations). We also offer interactive
workshops on science communication and career management.
For more information and registration please visit
www.ru.nl/dondersdiscussions. We warmly invite all participants to
submit a poster abstract. Registration will open on July 15, the
deadline is September 16, but registration may close earlier if the
maximum number of participants has been reached. The registration fee
is €45.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to e-mail us on
discussions2013 at donders.ru.nl. For the latest updates and special
offers, join us on facebook (facebook.com/dondersdiscussions2013) or
twitter (discussions2013).
We look forward to seeing you in Nijmegen!
The Donders Discussions committee 2013
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