[FieldTrip] 6th Autumn School “Move the Brain”, Tübingen, 30thSeptember -2th October 2013

Hubert Preissl hubert.preissl at uni-tuebingen.de
Mon Jul 8 11:33:59 CEST 2013

we are pleased to announce the upcoming 6^th Autumn School "Move the 
Brain" in Tübingen.

Confirmed speakers:

*Douglas Cheyne, *Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada

*Sarang S. Dalal, *University of Konstanz, Germany

*Joachim Gross, *University of Glasgow, UK

*Todd Hare, *University of Zürich, Switzerland

*Floris de Lang, *Donders Institute, Nijmegen, Netherlands

*Jyrki Mäkelä, *Helsinki University Central Hospital, Finland

*Hilke Plassmann, *INSEAD, France

*Alfons Schnitzler, *University of Düsseldorf, Germany

For application and further information on the scientific program
please visit our website:


We look forward meeting you in Tübingen!

Best regards,

Hubert Preissl

Dr. Hubert Preissl
fMEG Center                  phone: ++49-(0)7071-2987704
Otfried Müller Str 47        fax: ++49-(0)7071-295706
72076 Tübingen, Germany      email: hubert.preissl at uni-tuebingen.de

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