[FieldTrip] Source localization

Casper van Heck caspervanheck at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 12:18:58 CET 2013


While the whole script is way too convoluted to put up here, but luckily
the relevant steps are quite simple
Input is simply raw data, read with ft_preprocessing, which is passed
through functions as shown in my previous email.

After passing the data to ft_sourcegrandaverage (only using
cfg.outputfile), where the data is fed as a cell array (which seems to work
properly), I go over to a source-comparison script. This script works as
First I create a pre-post contrast as shown in the beamformer tutorial.

Next, I read some MRI-data using ft_read_mri from a standard folder, and
reslice this data:
*mri = ft_read_mri(strcat(h.subject,'Subject01.mri'));
*mri = ft_volumereslice([], mri);*

*[data] = ft_sourceinterpolate(cfg, data, mri);
where cfg contains:
*cfg.parameter: 'avg.pow'*
*cfg.downsample: 4*

and I add the anatomy:
*data.anatomy = mri.anatomy; clear mri*

And finally, I call ft_sourceplot using these options:
cfg.*parameter: 'avg.pow'*
*cfg.downsample: 4*

with one of these three methods:
1) *cfg.method = 'surface';*
*    cfg.surffile = 'surface_l4_both.mat';*
*    cfg.surfdownsample = 4;*
*    cfg.projmethod = 'nearest';*
2) *cfg.method = 'ortho';*
3) *cfg.method = 'slice';*
*    cfg.nslices = 20;*
Which leads to the errors shown earlier. At this point, disp(data) yields:
*K>> disp(data)*
*         avg: [1x1 struct]*
*         pos: [16777216x3 double]*
*         dim: [256 256 256]*
*      inside: [1x16777216 double]*
*     outside: [1x0 double]*
*    coordsys: 'ctf'*
*        unit: 'mm'*
*         cfg: [1x1 struct]*
*     anatomy: [256x256x256 double]*
I'm guessing it has something to do with the 'inside' and 'outside'
elements, so my 'standard head model'. I think I made this using the
following code:
*mri = ft_read_mri(strcat(h.subject,'Subject01.mri')); % load 'standard'
anatomical model
*% segment the template brain and construct a volume conduction model (i.e.
head model)*
*cfg             = [];*
*cfg.output      = {'brain' 'scalp' 'skull'};*
*cfg.downsample  = 2;*
*t_seg    = ft_volumesegment(cfg, mri);*
* *
*% create head model*
*cfg          = [];*
*cfg.method   = 'singlesphere';*
*cfg.hdmfile  = strcat(h.subject,'Subject01.hdm');*
*cfg.elec     = ft_read_sens('standard_1020.elc');*
*t_vol = ft_prepare_headmodel(cfg, t_seg);*
*clear template_seg*
*% construct the dipole grid in the template brain coordinates*
*cfg = [];*
*cfg.normalize = 'no'; % no normalization, since we're comparing two
*cfg.vol        = t_vol;*
*t_grid  = ft_prepare_sourcemodel(cfg);*
After which I use this on all subjects, using this (note that I store all
data in a single massive structure, to make saving to disk and selecting
data etc. easier):
*source{subj}.(datasets{d}) = sourceanalysis(data, t_vol, t_grid);*
Anyone seeing anything obviously stupid?



On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 4:43 PM, <Lilla.Magyari at mpi.nl> wrote:

> Hi Casper,
> I think it is really difficult to figure only from the error message what
> the problem is. I think it would be also useful to see the inputs (cfg,
> and your data) of ft_sourceplot. Could you just send me how your cfg and
> your data-structure looks like? (I mean that you do not need to send the
> actual data, just the screen output of disp(data) and disp(cfg)).
> Best,
> Lilla
> > Dear Fieldtrippers,
> >
> > I've asked this question earlier, but either it got lost due to technical
> > reasons, or the people who actually understand what's happening here were
> > on vacation, so here it is again:
> >
> > I've been trying to do a source analysis on a dataset with two
> conditions,
> > mostly following the tutorials and examples from the Fieldtrip site, and
> > come upon a problem; it won't plot. While the source analysis is not an
> > essential component of the analysis of this dataset (it's more along the
> > lines of "let's see if I can do this"), and I don't expect any result
> > other
> > than something like "there might be a source in the left hemisphere", I'd
> > still would like to found out why it's not working.
> >
> > Essentially, I create a standard headmodel cause I don't have individual
> > MRI's from the "Subject1.mri"-example, using ft_volumesegment,
> > ft_prepare_headmodel and ft_prepare_sourcemodel, and try to get Fieldtrip
> > to find sources based on individual EEG-datasets using ft_freqanalysis
> > (with cfg.method = 'mtmfft') and ft_sourceanalysis.
> > After that, I use ft_sourcegrandaverage to produce, well, a grand average
> > source, and feed this via ft_sourceinterpolate to ft_sourceplot.
> >
> > Now, ft_sourceplot has three plotting possibilities: slice, ortho, and
> > surface. Initially I tried to get the ortho-option to work, but this gave
> > the following error:
> > *Attempted to access dim(3); index out of bounds because numel(dim)=2.*
> > *Error in ==> cornerpoints at 11
> > *
> > *Error in ==> ft_plot_slice at 157
> > *
> >
> > So, I tried the surf-option, which gave me this:
> > *Undefined function or variable "val".*
> > *Error in ==> ft_sourceplot at 1174
> > *
> >
> > And finally, I tried the slice-option, which gave one of two errors
> (which
> > seems to be based on how many slices I requested):
> > *Out of memory*
> > Which is pretty damn impressive since I've got 8GB of RAM and a pagefile
> > topping of at 40GB
> > Or, the mildly disconcerting:
> > *Matlab has encountered an internal error and has to close*
> > Which seems to have been caused by a so-called *"Segmentation violation"
> > *
> >
> > Can anyone offer any insight in these errors? I think I'm doing something
> > wrong pretty early on, but have no idea what it is.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> > Casper van Heck
> >
> >
> > On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 1:43 PM, Casper van Heck
> > <caspervanheck at gmail.com>wrote:
> >
> >> Dear Fieldtrippers,
> >>
> >> I've been trying to do a source analysis on a dataset with two
> >> conditions,
> >> mostly following the tutorials and examples from the Fieldtrip site, and
> >> come upon a problem; it won't plot. While the source analysis is not an
> >> essential component of the analysis of this dataset (it's more along the
> >> lines of "let's see if I can do this"), and I don't expect any result
> >> other
> >> than something like "there might be a source in the left hemisphere",
> >> I'd
> >> still would like to found out why it's not working.
> >>
> >> Essentially, I create a standard headmodel cause I don't have individual
> >> MRI's from the "Subject1.mri"-example, using ft_volumesegment,
> >> ft_prepare_headmodel and ft_prepare_sourcemodel, and try to get
> >> Fieldtrip
> >> to find sources based on individual EEG-datasets using ft_freqanalysis
> >> (with cfg.method = 'mtmfft') and ft_sourceanalysis.
> >> After that, I use ft_sourcegrandaverage to produce, well, a grand
> >> average
> >> source, and feed this via ft_sourceinterpolate to ft_sourceplot.
> >>
> >> Now, ft_sourceplot has three plotting possibilities: slice, ortho, and
> >> surface. Initially I tried to get the ortho-option to work, but this
> >> gave
> >> the following error:
> >> *Attempted to access dim(3); index out of bounds because numel(dim)=2.*
> >> *Error in ==> cornerpoints at 11
> >> *
> >> *Error in ==> ft_plot_slice at 157
> >> *
> >>
> >> So, I tried the surf-option, which gave me this:
> >> *Undefined function or variable "val".*
> >> *Error in ==> ft_sourceplot at 1174
> >> *
> >>
> >> And finally, I tried the slice-option, which gave one of two errors
> >> (which
> >> seems to be based on how many slices I requested):
> >> *Out of memory*
> >> Which is pretty damn impressive since I've got 8GB of RAM and a pagefile
> >> topping of at 40GB
> >> Or, the mildly disconcerting:
> >> *Matlab has encountered an internal error and has to close*
> >> Which seems to have been caused by a so-called *"Segmentation violation"
> >> *
> >>
> >> Can anyone offer any insight in these errors? I think I'm doing
> >> something
> >> wrong pretty early on, but have no idea what it is.
> >>
> >> Sincerely,
> >>
> >> Casper van Heck
> >>
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