[FieldTrip] NIHC-BrainGain Tutorial Day - March 21, 2013

Robert Oostenveld r.oostenveld at donders.ru.nl
Tue Feb 19 14:30:47 CET 2013

NIHC-BrainGain Tutorial Day:
Tools and novelties in neurotechnology research 
We invite PhD students, post-docs and senior researchers working in the fields of brain-computer interfacing (BCI), neurofeedback, cognitive neuroscience, neuroinformatics, neurosurgery and related topics to our Tutorial Day on March 21st, 2013 in the Sanadome Nijmegen.
The day marks the end of the BrainGain consortium, a six-year joint-effort project on Brain-Computer Interfacing and related technologies. More information on BrainGain can be found here.
The Tutorial Day will consist of a 'tools' track and a 'novelties’ track. The 'tools' track is intended to provide both newcomers to the field and experienced researchers with an overview of the tools needed to integrate cognitive neuroscience and advanced invasive and non-invasive technology. Topics range from data streaming to modelling and statistics, and from online fMRI decoding to a crash course in neuroethics., You will also receive some helpful insights for a future career, in case you are interested in applying for a grant in the near future or considering setting up your own company.
The 'novelties' track covers a wide range of topics indicating some of the possible topics to be further explored in BCI and neurotechnology research, including genetics, robotics and intracranial recordings. 
There is no need to stick to one of the two tracks the whole day: you are free to switch between tracks any time.
In parallel to the lectures, there will be several interesting demonstrations.  
The full programme and registration form can be found on the NIHC website (https://www.hersenenencognitie.nl). Please register before 1 March 2013. Participation is free. Lunch and drinks will be provided. 
We hope to welcome you on March 21st in Nijmegen!
Susanna Bicknell
Radboud University Nijmegen
Faculty of Science | Finance and Economic Affairs | Project Management | LC-IMPACT
Faculty of Social Sciences | Donders Centre for Cognition | BRAINGAIN | Project Manager
T +31 24 3653300 | HG00.616 (Monday, Thursday)
Faculty of Science | IMAPP | T +31 24 3652972 | HG07.315 (Tuesday, Wednesday)
Postal address: P.O. Box 9010, 6500 GL Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Visiting and courier service address: Heyendaalseweg 135, 6525 AJ Nijmegen, The Netherlands

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