[FieldTrip] newbie

Robert Oostenveld r.oostenveld at donders.ru.nl
Wed Aug 14 21:34:02 CEST 2013

Hi Hweeling

The channel level data in the BrainVision data file can be represented in ascii and binary format. Furthermore, the order can be one channel at a time or sample-by-sample. Finally there are different numeric precisions (integer, float, etc).

This is something that you cannot see from the outside of the file, but if you open the *.vhdr file in a text editor you can see these details. Since there are so many possible combinations of these three factors, it is not difficult easy to support all possible variants. 

You could try storing the data as multiplexed and in single- or double-precision, which is the most common format. Otherwise, you can report it as feature request on http://bugzilla.fcdonders.nl and attach a small piece of data (with vhdr and vmrk file) there.

best regards,

On 14 Aug 2013, at 16:51, Hwee Ling Lee wrote:

> Hi to all!
> I'm new to fieldtrip! I have a dataset that has been corrected for scanner artifacts and BC artifacts using Brainvision Analyser. I would like to export the corrected data as a .eeg file so that I can load the data onto Matlab and use fieldtrip to perform further analyses.
> However, I kept getting error messages from Matlab that the sub-file format is unsupported. I've been searching online the best way to export the corrected data from Brainvision Analyser, however, I could not find any solution at all.
> Would anyone please kindly instruct me the settings that I should have when I export the corrected data?
> Thanks!
> Best wishes,
> Hweeling
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