[FieldTrip] newbie

Hwee Ling Lee hweeling.lee at gmail.com
Wed Aug 14 16:51:23 CEST 2013

Hi to all!

I'm new to fieldtrip! I have a dataset that has been corrected for scanner
artifacts and BC artifacts using Brainvision Analyser. I would like to
export the corrected data as a .eeg file so that I can load the data onto
Matlab and use fieldtrip to perform further analyses.

However, I kept getting error messages from Matlab that the sub-file format
is unsupported. I've been searching online the best way to export the
corrected data from Brainvision Analyser, however, I could not find any
solution at all.

Would anyone please kindly instruct me the settings that I should have when
I export the corrected data?


Best wishes,
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