[FieldTrip] Post-doc postion possibility at NIMH

Coppola, Richard (NIH/NIMH) [E] coppolar at mail.nih.gov
Tue Apr 23 20:53:08 CEST 2013

We anticipate an opportunity for a post-doctoral fellow to join the research team of the Experimental Therapeutics and Pathophysiology Branch of the NIMH Intramural Research Program, led by Dr Zarate.  This group has been involved with the groundbreaking studies examining neural plasticity in antidepressant action with MEG and other imaging modalities (see Cornwell B et al: Biol Psychiatry, 2012; Neuropsychopharmacology, 2010, etc).  The fellow would be heavily involved in the planning and analyses of the MEG studies of the Branch in collaboration with the NIMH MEG Core Facility staff and  Dr. Coppola.  The fellow would have access to the unique large data set already collected as well as opportunity for future studies. The candidate should be a recent or expected Ph.D., and have an appropriate background in Neuroscience, neuroimaging methods, and applied statistics along with specific experience in advanced MEG and/or fMRI analysis. Substantial skills in statistics, programming and scientific writing will be essential.

Please email with the subject line ETPB-PostDoc, a cover letter, CV, and names of references to Drs Zarate and Coppola.

Dr. Zarate's current research focus is on developing novel medications for treatment-resistant depression and bipolar disorder.  His areas of expertise include biological and pharmacological aspects of mood disorders in adults.  Dr. Zarate's group conducts proof-of-concept studies utilizing novel compounds and biomarkers (magnetoencephalography [MEG] and polysomnography [PSG], positron emission tomography, functional MRI and magnetic resonance spectroscopy [MRS]) to identify potentially relevant drug targets and biosignatures of treatment response.  A multidisciplinary translational research team conducts the research in the ETPB. In addition, the Branch provides training to develop the next generation of clinical translational researchers.

Carlos A. Zarate, Jr., M.D.
Chief Experimental Therapeutics & Pathophysiology Branch &
Section Neurobiology and Treatment of Mood Disorders
Division of Intramural Research Program
National Institute of Mental Health
10 Center Drive, CRC, Unit 7 SE, Rm. 7-3465
Bethesda, MD 20892-1282
zaratec at mail.nih.gov<mailto:zaratec at mail.nih.gov>

The MEG Core provides a state of the art facility supporting the (CTF) Omega 2000 275-channel MEG system for the use of PI's of the Intramural Research Programs of NIMH and NINDS

Dr. Richard Coppola
Dir. NIMH MEG Core Facility
Bldg 10 Room 3C119
Bethesda, MD 20892
coppolar at mail.nih.gov<mailto:coppolar at mail.nih.gov>

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