[FieldTrip] Calculate amplitudes and latencies
Daria Laptinskaya
daria.laptinskaya at googlemail.com
Mon Oct 8 10:21:10 CEST 2012
Thanks :-)!!
2012/10/7 Julian Keil <julian.keil at gmail.com>
> Hi,
> I suppose your "peakdetect2" is located in the "private" folder. Matlab by
> default does not include private folders in the path. You can either rename
> it (e.g. to "notprivate") or manually copy the function to another folder.
> The "findpeaks" should actually be a built-in function, but maybe you have
> to check the math works file exchange.
> As usual, if you are not sure, if you have the respective function in your
> matlab path, check with "which".
> Best,
> Julian
> Am 07.10.2012 um 13:23 schrieb Daria Laptinskaya:
> Hi Julian,
> by using the peakdetect2- or the findpeaks-function I get an error:
> ??? Undefined function or method 'peakdetect2' for input arguments of type
> 'double'
> (I use EGI-data with 149 channels and 113 timepoints).
> Do you have any idea, what the problem could be?
> Daria
> 2012/10/6 Daria Laptinskaya <daria.laptinskaya at googlemail.com>
>> Many thanks-I will try to do!
>> Best,
>> Daria
>> 2012/10/5 Julian Keil <julian.keil at gmail.com>
>>> Hi Daria,
>>> you can either use the function "min" or "max" to find the minima and
>>> maxima in your data, or you can use the "peakdetect2"-function that can be
>>> found in the "private" folder of field trip.
>>> Another function, that is quite similar to the field trip-function is
>>> the "findpeaks"-function, in which you can even set parameters how exactly
>>> you want to define your peaks.
>>> Fo the latency: all the above functions can give you the index (i.e.
>>> sample point) of your peak, if you then compare this to your time-vector,
>>> you can get the latency until the maximum.
>>> Good Luck,
>>> Julian
>>> Am 05.10.2012 um 17:10 schrieb Daria Laptinskaya:
>>> > Dear fieldtrippers,
>>> >
>>> > does anyone know how I can find the peak maximum of an erp?
>>> > And how to calculate the latency until the maximum?
>>> >
>>> > Timelockanalysis and the grand average of all erps are already done.
>>> >
>>> > Best,
>>> > Daria
>>> >
>>> >
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