[FieldTrip] actvsblT test statistic when running ft_freqstatistic

yoni.levy at inserm.fr yoni.levy at inserm.fr
Fri Mar 30 10:40:25 CEST 2012

Dear All,

Would anyone know how to run ft_freqstatistics using the actvsblT?

I intend to statistically test activation period with baseline  
activity. For this, I followed the "Within trial experiments" tutorial  
in fieldtrip
The tutorial emphasizes that one should select equal length time
windows. However, the number of trials in both conditions (activation
and baseline) remains unequal. Therefore, when I run ft_freqstatistics
with the design mentioned in the tutorial (inserting only the number
of trials of the activation condition), I receive the following error
"the number of observations in the design does not match the number of
observations in the data"

Is there an error in the turorial, or is the script intended to create
two frequency output-files, with different total number of trials.

Any advice would be appreciated,



Yoni Levy, Ph.D.,
Address: Pavillon BAUDOT / CHU Purpan,
Place du Docteur Joseph Baylac,
31024 TOULOUSE cédex 3, FRANCE.
E-Mail : yoni.levy at inserm.fr

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