[FieldTrip] read_fcdc_mri error

Frederic Roux fredericroux at hotmail.de
Mon Mar 12 15:11:07 CET 2012

Dear all,

I am getting an error when trying to read CTF-V2 formatted
MRI data using the read_fcdc_mri function.

??? Error using ==> reshape
To RESHAPE the number of elements must not change.

Error in ==> fieldtrip-20081208/private/read_ctf_mri at 113
mri = reshape(mri, [256 256 256]);

Error in ==> read_fcdc_mri at 95
 [img,hdr] = read_ctf_mri(filename);

Error in ==> warpMRI_DEV at 18
 mri = read_fcdc_mri([path2files,mrifiles(sujIt).name]);

The error results because at line 105 of the read_fcfc_mri.m function

mri = unint16(fread(fid,256*256*256,'uint16'));

returns a vector of  length = 16777215 when in fact it should be of
lentgh = 16777216. This means that 1 single value is missing.

The ackward thing is that I can open the MR-file without problem
in the MRIViewer and that there it appears to have 256 values
in the x,y and z dimension. Also this error appears only in 
a subset of files. 

I suspect that there is an error somewhere maybe in the data
acquisition or conversion pipeline.
Any suggestions or help would be highly appreciated.

Have a nice day!


Frédéric Roux, PhD student
Department of Neurophysiology
Max Planck Institute for Brain Research
D-60529 Frankfurt am Main
Frederic.Roux at brain.mpg.de

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