[FieldTrip] question for ft_freqanalysis()

MinKyu Ahn frerap at gist.ac.kr
Fri Mar 9 12:56:13 CET 2012

I am new fieldtrip and wavelet analysis.

Fortunately, fieldtrip webpage has some examples for that.

While I follow it, I found that the scale between the resuts of fixed hann method and wavelet method in http://fieldtrip.fcdonders.nl/tutorial/timefrequencyanalysis.

When it plots results, the zlimt is used  as cfg.zlim         = [-3e-27 3e-27] while  it is used as [-3e-25 3e-25]    for wavelet.

The scale difference is about 10^2, why this happen?

Please let me know about it.

Thank you.

============================================================ MinKyu Ahn, Ph.D. Student, Member of BioComputing Lab. School of Information and Communications Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)  261 Cheomdan-gwagiro, Buk-gu, Gwangju 500-712, Korea  Tel : +82-62-715-3126/2266  Cell : +82-10-7360-8232  E-mail : frerap at gist.ac.kr  URL : http://biocomput.gist.ac.kr ============================================================

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