[FieldTrip] Mesh intersecting BEM headmodel

Mariani Olivia olivia.mariani at epfl.ch
Tue Mar 13 11:44:53 CET 2012


I am using the "create a BEM headmodel" script but I am getting spikes and unwanted holes in the brain compartment when using the triplot function and don't know how to get rid of it.

I get the following warnings on matlab (R2011a):

!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!
Mesh is self intersecting !
Mesh Info :
    # points : 1000
    # triangles : 1996
    Euler characteristic : 2
    Min Area : 14
    Max Area : 152.381
Self intersection for mesh number 2

I get this self intersecting warning for my three meshes and additional warnings that two meshes are intersecting.
My problem may come from ill-defined boundaries. Would you know how to better define the boundaries between the meshes?

And then I get the following error:

| ------ om_minverser
| ./tpa072e3c1_0eb4_4007_ba7c_1f49bd581138.bin
| ./tpaf0e1a3b_e107_4728_bbb8_1f5309bb3861.bin
| -----------------------
Exception: Unable to open the file ./tpa072e3c1_0eb4_4007_ba7c_1f49bd581138.bin for reading Doing my best....
Warning: an error ocurred while running OpenMEEG
> In openmeeg at 127
  In ft_prepare_bemmodel at 232
  In projet_mineur at 106
Error using ==> fread
Invalid file identifier.  Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier.
Warning: File 'tpa072e3c1_0eb4_4007_ba7c_1f49bd581138.bin' not found.
> In openmeeg>cleaner at 142
  In openmeeg at 129
  In ft_prepare_bemmodel at 232
  In projet_mineur at 106
Warning: File 'tpaf0e1a3b_e107_4728_bbb8_1f5309bb3861.bin' not found.
> In openmeeg>cleaner at 143
  In openmeeg at 129
  In ft_prepare_bemmodel at 232
  In projet_mineur at 106

The file om_minverser from openmeeg closes and the figures open.

Thank you,


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