[FieldTrip] Grandaverage after regressing out headposition confounds

Porada Danja dporada at uos.de
Fri Jul 20 12:28:01 CEST 2012

I just found out that I only have to use the field avg as input for ft_grandaverage...

But I'm still wondering whether it is necessary to calculate the planar gradient before computing the grand average.


Am 20.07.2012 um 07:48 schrieb Porada Danja:

> Hi,
> I would like to compute a grand average of the individual ERFs after I already used ft_regressconfounds (in order to deal with changes in head position during the experiment).
> Here is the problem:
> For regressing out head position confounds I have to keep the individual trials during the timelockanalysis. But for computing the grand average afterwards I need averages and not individual trials. Which is the best way to obtain the average?
> And I have another question: Do I have to calculate the planar gradient before computing the grand average?
> Best,
> Danja
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