[FieldTrip] mexw files
Herbert J Gould (hgould)
hgould at memphis.edu
Tue Jul 17 14:36:26 CEST 2012
I have just found fieldtrip and have started to work on the tutorial. I am trying to read the data for subject 1 in the tutorial and recieve the following error:
cfg1 = ft_definetrial(cfg1);
Warning: multiple versions of SPM on your path will confuse FieldTrip
> In fieldtrip-20120715\private\warning_once at 75
In ft_defaults at 91
In ft_definetrial at 111
Warning: one version of SPM is found here: C:\FieldTrip\fieldtrip-20120715\external\spm2\spm.m
> In ft_defaults at 99
In ft_definetrial at 111
Warning: one version of SPM is found here: C:\FieldTrip\fieldtrip-20120715\external\spm8\spm.m
> In ft_defaults at 99
In ft_definetrial at 111
??? Invalid MEX-file 'C:\FieldTrip\fieldtrip-20120715\src\ft_getopt.mexw32': The specified procedure could not be found.
Error in ==> ft_checkconfig at 71
renamed = ft_getopt(varargin, 'renamed');
Error in ==> ft_definetrial at 116
cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'dataset2files', {'yes'});
I have checked and the .mexw32 file is there What am I doing wrong?
Herb Gould
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