[FieldTrip] reading NM data with newest filedtrip

Jan.Hirschmann at med.uni-duesseldorf.de Jan.Hirschmann at med.uni-duesseldorf.de
Thu Sep 29 16:11:33 CEST 2011



don't know if somebody pointed it out earlier... I changed to the newest
ft  version today and got the following error from ft_preprocessing when
reading neuromag data.


Undefined function or variable "ori".


Error in channelposition (line 260)

  ori = ori;  % second output argument


Error in fixsens (line 53)

  [chanpos, chanori, tmp] = channelposition(sens, 'channel', 'all');


Error in ft_read_header (line 1472)

  hdr.grad = fixsens(hdr.grad);


Error in ft_preprocessing (line 360)

  hdr = ft_read_header(cfg.headerfile, 'headerformat',





Jan Hirschmann

MSc. Neuroscience

Insititute of Clinical Neuroscience and Medical Psychology

Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf

Universitaetsstr.  1
40225  Duesseldorf

Tel: 0049 - (0)211 - 81 - 18415


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