[FieldTrip] Using fieldtrip statistic for cluster analysis of an already existing dataset

Lustenberger Caroline Caroline.Lustenberger at kispi.uzh.ch
Wed Sep 28 10:46:16 CEST 2011

Dear all
Using EEGlab I have calculated ITC and ERSP of 16 subjects of 1 channel
and the frequency range 1-4Hz (in average), thus I have 2 data arrays:
1st Condition Sham: 16 x 185 --> 16=number of subjects, 185=timepoints
with event-related spectral values or intertrial coherence values
2nd Condition Field: 16 x 185
To see if there is any difference between the 2 conditions in all
timepoints I performed 185 paired t-tests and now I should control for
multiple comparison using a cluster analysis (meaning find out the
probability that a certain number of neighbour-timepoints are
Is there a possibility to do that using fieldtrip statistics? And how
can I do that?
Thank you very much for your help
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