[FieldTrip] matter of units?

Giulia Rizza giulia.rizza at tiscali.it
Fri Sep 16 11:18:20 CEST 2011

Hi everybody!

Sorry for this banal question: I'm processinga EEG data from 
Neuroscan and everything seemed ok until I noticed that I find a very small 
activity in channels (-10 10) when browsing through the data, much lower than 
the one I can visualize from the same dataset with the acquisition software 
(-40 40 microV).
Is it just a matter of units or am I doing something wrong?

I'm working with the version 20110621 (now I'm passing to a new one) on Matlab 
Here I've just defined trials and applied a filter.

cfg = [];
dataset = 'Cristiano_S2.cnt';
cfg.trialdef.eventtype = 'trigger';
eventvalue = 2;
cfg.trialdef.prestim = 0.8;
cfg.trialdef.poststim = 0.8;
cfg = 

cfg.lpfilter = 'yes';
cfg.lpfreq = 100;
data = 

Thanks in advance to anyone


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