[FieldTrip] [ANN] OpenMEEG 2.1 is out

Alexandre Gramfort alexandre.gramfort at inria.fr
Thu Sep 8 16:39:47 CEST 2011


the new release 2.1 of OpenMEEG is finally out.

Download page has been updated:


See full changelog below.

If you meet any issue, your feed back is very much appreciated.

Best regards,
Alex for the OpenMEEG team.

Release 2.1:

New features:
	- added the adjoint way for computing a leadfield for either EEG, MEG or
	  MEEG simultaneously. This saves time and memory for big systems
(>1000 pts/surfaces).
	- better ordering in computations when inverting the matrix for the
memory footprint.
	- storage now more effective using the matio library even for
symmetric matrices.
	- support for matlab7.3 file format.
	- reducing memory footprint of DSM, Head2MEG, SurfSource2MEG and
DipSource2MEG computations
        - improved MKL detection
	- lapack inclusion (experimental) to ease the build on architectures were
	there is no alternative.

Bug corrections:
    - allowance of spaces in mesh file names with a new .geom format (old
	format is still accepted).
    - bug when loading sensor file with no empty line at the end
    - fix leak in Mesh class

Removed features:
    - TV inverse solver

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