[FieldTrip] Question about ft_sourcestatistics and ft_sourcegrandaverage

Rojas, Don Don.Rojas at ucdenver.edu
Thu Oct 27 22:09:46 CEST 2011

To all:

I am wondering if there is a way to use ft_sourcegrandaverage and ft_sourcestatistics on cortically constrained mne source output. I have sources from ft_sourceanalysis, where the method was 'mne' and the source space was the mni cortical surface, which the MEG data were coregistered to, so all results are in the same anatomical space. However, these functions seem to require volume, or grid, type input, rather than surface input. Can someone confirm if that is correct or not and if so, would there be a way to work around this limitation?



Don Rojas, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychiatry
U. of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus
Director, UCD Magnetoencephalography Lab
13001 E. 17th Pl F546
Aurora, CO 80045 USA

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