[FieldTrip] Between-Trial Stats on Coherence

Natalia Grion grion at sissa.it
Fri Oct 21 01:43:32 CEST 2011

Dear All,

when computing the statistical test for difference in coherence  
between condition 1 and condition 2 (for single subject) I get NaNs  
for stat. The setting code is quite simple and I did some checking for  
silly errors(ex. I dowloaded the very last version), so either I'm  
doing sth wrong or there is a bug somwhere. Maybe you can help me.
I do the following: having computed the 'fourier' for both conditions  
(diff amount of trials), I run the code for the second step  (whithout  
MC correction for the moment). I have 2 channel on which Im computing  
the coherence. The data for both conditions have the same length. The  
design is a betweenTrial so: #trls c1 + #trls c2. and 1 independent  
variable. AmI missing something on the design or like reshaping the  
Any help is welcome!

cfg = [];
cfg.channel ={'lfp';'Whisk'};
cfg.channelcmb ={'lfp' 'Whisk'};

cfg.frequency ='all';
cfg.method = 'montecarlo';
cfg.parameter ='fourierspctrm';
cfg.statistic = 'indepsamplesZcoh';
cfg.alpha = 0.05;
cfg.tail = 0;
cfg.numrandomization = 10; %500
cfg.neighbours = [];
%cfg.correctm =  'cluster';
%cfg.clusterthreshold = 'nonparametric_common';
%cfg.clusterstatistic = 'maxsum';
%cfg.clusteralpha     = 0.05;
%cfg.clustertail      = 0;
%cfg.correcttail      ='prob';
    cfg.computestat    = 'yes';
    cfg.computecritval = 'yes';
    cfg.computeprob    = 'yes' ;
%Design of matrix
design = zeros(1,size(freqoutdisc.fourierspctrm,1) +  
design(1,1:size(freqoutdisc.fourierspctrm,1)) = 1;
design(1,(size(freqoutdisc.fourierspctrm,1)+1):(size(freqoutdisc.fourierspctrm,1) + size(freqoutwalk.fourierspctrm,1)))=  
cfg.design   = design;
cfg.ivar  = 1;
[stat1] = freqstatistics(cfg,freqoutdisc,freqoutwalk);

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