[FieldTrip] SAM beamformeing on Neuromag data

Elena Orekhova Elena.Orekhova at neuro.gu.se
Mon May 30 13:08:29 CEST 2011

Dear All,
I try to run beamformer analysis on the auditory MEG data (Neuromag) and have basic questions.

1.Magnetometers and gradiometers Neuromag sensors have different scales. Does the Fieldtrip take care of this difference or should I normalize the data?   It yes, how to  normalize?

2. I would like to do SAM analysis  of evoked field and look at the time courses at ROIs
(virtual channels).  The only tutorial example I have found was for the lcmv-beamformer
(cfg.method = 'lcmv'; http://fieldtrip.fcdonders.nl/example/lcmv-beamformer). I am not sure
which parameters should I specify in ft_sourceanalysis if cfg.method = 'sam'.

I would be most grateful for any example script of this type analysis!



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