[FieldTrip] tutorial - ft_volumenormalise

Davide Rivolta drivolta81 at gmail.com
Fri May 27 14:26:28 CEST 2011

Dear Fieldtrippers,

I am running the tutorial on how to localize oscillatory sources using
beamformer techniques.

 It works smooth until I have to normalize the anatomical mri to the

When, after I load the already-segmented subject file, I run
ft_volumenormalise it says the following:

??? Attempted to access V.dim(4); index out of bounds because

Error in ==> spm_create_vol>create_vol at 94
 swapped = spm_type(V.dim(4),'swapped');

 Interestingly this is the same error I get when I try to run
ft_volumesegment both using the tutorial and my anatomical MRIs.

Has someone any idea? Am I doing something silly?

Thank you so much,

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