[FieldTrip] ft_databrowser problems and questions

"Jörn M. Horschig" jm.horschig at donders.ru.nl
Thu Jun 30 09:45:57 CEST 2011

Dear Paul,

the topoplot bug you get should have been resolved in some newer 
FieldTrip version, I can remember this one and resolved it a while ago.
The overlaying plotting is simply caused because you click too fast. The 
function plots the individual topos- and time courses. Any callback from 
one of the buttons does not interrupt this plotting, meaning that it 
will clear the axes, continue plotting the topos- and time courses if 
this was not already finished and then start plotting the new topos- and 
time courses. This will be resolved in a newer version (see below).

About the third question: In the current implementation, this is not 
possible. However, we just started restructuring the code for the 
databrowser, and in my opinion it should be ready to be made public. In 
the new implementation, you can annotate and see annotated artifacts in 
component viewmode. I will keep you up to date on this.


ThisOn 6/29/2011 8:54 PM, Paul Czienskowski wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'm trying to plot ICA components with the ft_databrowser function. 
> First of all the topoplots seem to look not like I'm used to. The 
> topoplots I've seen this far filled out the whole circle and not only 
> the rectangle it fills here (see attachment). Second one is, that 
> sometimes, the functions starts to plot unselected components 
> overlaying the selected components.
> Additionally there is a Question I have. I marked artifacts in the 
> original data (with the ft_databrowser function) and hoped, they would 
> be shown in the ft_databrowser too, when I'm plotting the components. 
> Is there any (easy) way to accomplish this?
> Cheers,
> Paul
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Jörn M. Horschig
PhD Student
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging
Radboud University Nijmegen
Neuronal Oscillations Group

P.O. Box 9101
NL-6500 HB Nijmegen
The Netherlands

E-Mail: jm.horschig at donders.ru.nl
Tel:    +31-(0)24-36-68493
Web: http://www.ru.nl/donders

Visiting address:
Trigon, room 2.30
Kapittelweg 29
NL-6525 EN Nijmegen
The Netherlands

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