[FieldTrip] singleplotTFR error

Karl Doron karl.doron at gmail.com
Mon Jan 17 02:51:13 CET 2011

Hello Roemer,

Here's the cfg's and output from calls to ft_freqanalysis with
method='wavelet' and the subsequent call to ft_singleplotTFR and the
resulting error. The imagesc command will however plot the data at that
channel imagesc(squeeze(wvpow.powspctrm(strmatch('A177',label),:,:)))
 Thanks for any help!

cfg              = [];

cfg.output       = 'pow';

cfg.channel      = 'MEG';

cfg.method       = 'wavelet';

cfg.foi          = 10:2:30;

cfg.toi          = 0.0:0.05:2.75;

wvpow = ft_freqanalysis(cfg, data_spctrm);

wvpow =

        label: {246x1 cell}

       dimord: 'chan_freq_time'

         freq: [1x11 double]

         time: [1x56 double]

    powspctrm: [246x11x56 double]

         grad: [1x1 struct]

          cfg: [1x1 struct]

%Singleplot results

cfg              = [];

cfg.channel      = 'A177';

cfg.grad         =  grad;

cfg.xlim         = [0.6 2.5];

cfg.ylim         = [10 20];


ft_singleplotTFR(cfg, wvpow)

Warning: (one of the) axis are not evenly spaced -> nans cannot

be masked out ->  cfg.masknans is set to 'no';

> In ft_singleplotTFR at 296

??? Attempted to access c(6,1); index out of bounds because


Error in ==> uimage at 124

            ce(j,i) = c(indi(end), indj(end));

Error in ==> uimagesc at 46

    hh = uimage(varargin{:},'CDataMapping','scaled');

Error in ==> ft_plot_matrix at 192

  h = uimagesc(hdat, vdat, cdat, clim);

Error in ==> ft_singleplotTFR at 327


  TFR, 'clim',[zmin,zmax],'tag','cip')

On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 2:20 AM, Roemer van der Meij <
r.vandermeij at donders.ru.nl> wrote:

>  Hi Karl,
> Could you give some more information on the errors? Could you also post
> your cfg's? That will help in finding and fixing the bug. What FieldTrip
> version are you using?
> Best,
> Roemer
> On 15-1-2011 18:05, Karl Doron wrote:
> Hello,
>  Has anyone else reported a problem with ft_singleplotTFR and output of
> the new specest module?
>  multiplotTFR works, but 'interactive' method fails.
>  It looks like the error occurs when trying to mask NaNs
>  % masking only possible for evenly spaced axis
> if strcmp(cfg.masknans, 'yes') && (~evenx || ~eveny)
>   warning('(one of the) axis are not evenly spaced -> nans cannot be
> masked out ->  cfg.masknans is set to ''no'';')
>   cfg.masknans = 'no';
> end
>  Thank you,
> karl doron
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> Roemer van der Meij M.Sc.
> PhD student
> Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
> Centre for Cognition
> P.O. Box 9104
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> Tel: +31(0)24 3655932
> E-mail: r.vandermeij at donders.ru.nl
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