[FieldTrip] fieldtrip question - help needed

s.rombetto at cib.na.cnr.it s.rombetto at cib.na.cnr.it
Thu Jan 13 16:09:11 CET 2011

can anybody spend some more words on the chapter "Fixing a missing sensor"?
I'm trying to use it with a AtB (like ITAB-Chieti) device...but I
cannot understand how to use it. I've several troubles when I've to
declare the layout, since I don't have a layout file, but I construct
that starting from grad...
Do you have any hint for me?

Sara Rombetto

* Dott.ssa Sara Rombetto                   *
* Istituto di Cibernetica "E. Caianiello"  *
* Via Campi Flegrei, 34                    *
* 80078 Pozzuoli (NA)                      *
* Italy                                    *
* tel +390818675054                        *
* fax +390818675326                        *

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