[FieldTrip] Announcement : Neuroscience positions database

datashare at sciencedb.net datashare at sciencedb.net
Tue Feb 15 23:01:48 CET 2011

 Dear Fieldtrip users,

* Apologies if you receive this multiple times *

We would like to inform you about new forum for neuroscience job

We hope you can use this forum to post announcements from post-doc
positions and faculty positions to PhD. projects and internship projects.

If you only want to follow the announcement; sign up for a free

Kind regards,

PS. Follow us on twitter http://twitter.com/sciencedb or sign-up for our
newsletter: http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=ScienceDb

ScienceDB.net is a non-profit portal for the scientific community. Our
service is sponsored by ads and donations. If you have any suggestions or
comments, please mail us at sciencedb at sciencedb.net.

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