[FieldTrip] Problem detecting triggers with real time synchronous analysis
Adam C. Snyder
adam at adamcsnyder.com
Tue Dec 20 04:54:39 CET 2011
I'm trying to perform a real time synchronous analysis in response to a particular trigger, but it isn't working. Here are some brief details of the setup: we're using BioSemi ActiveTwo, a December 2011 version of FieldTrip and MATLAB 2010b.
I've managed to get the biosemi2ft executable running, and if I send a trigger through the BioSemi system, the details are noted in the command window. However, within the ft_realtime_synchronous function, the trigger events are not being found. The built-in status updates (e.g., "CMS_IN_RANGE", etc.), in contrast, are picked up by the ft_read_event call within ft_realtime_synchronous function, which adds to my confusion.
My configurations are something like these:
cfg.dataset = 'buffer://localhost:1972';
cfg.bcifun = @hello_world;
cfg.blocksize = 1;
cfg.trigger = [4 2];
cfg.jumptoeof = 'yes';
cfg.bufferdata = 'last'; %maybe the name of this option was different -- I'm typing from memory
I hope someone can kindly help me to figure this out, and thank you in advance for whatever help you can provide.
In Science,
Adam C. Snyder
Postdoctoral Fellow
Cognitive Neurophysiology Lab
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Bronx, NY
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