[FieldTrip] mixed between/within subject Anova
Eric Maris
e.maris at donders.ru.nl
Thu Aug 18 07:50:08 CEST 2011
Dear Olga,
> I'd like to use mixed between subjects (3 groups) and within subject (2
> factors each has 2 levels) Anova design to compare the ERPs using cluster
> permutation statistics (ft_timelockananlysis).
> But to my understanding it is impossible. Am I right?
The problem is with the interaction effects. With permutation tests, you
cannot test the interaction between two (or more) between-UO variables
(UO=subject or trial) nor the interaction between two or more within-UO
variables. However, with permutation tests, you can test the interaction
between a between- and a within-UO variables. So. In your study, you would
only be unable to test the interaction between the two within-subject
There have been more threads on the testing of interaction effects. You can
find them by searching in the discussion list archive.
Eric Maris
> You comments are highly appreciated,
> Best Regards,
> Olga.
> Olga Sysoeva,
> Research Associate, PhD
> Washington University School of Medicine
> Campus Box 8134
> 660 South Euclid Ave
> Saint Louis, MO 63110-9909
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