[FieldTrip] I think you solved the problem
jan-mathijs schoffelen
jan.schoffelen at donders.ru.nl
Tue Apr 12 12:10:47 CEST 2011
Dear Jan,
Apart from not being properly aligned, the segmentation looks a bit
strange to me. I suspect that not everything went well here ;o).
Could you try the following:
specify cfg.coordsys = 'neuromag', both in your call to
ft_volumerealign and in your call to ft_volumesegment. The
cfg.coordinates for ft_volumesegment has to be removed (actually it is
a deprecated option). The idea now is that mri-structures in fieldtrip
can have a coordsys field, which allows for more transparent use of
the different head coordinate system conventions. This takes away the
need for intermediately coregistering the MRI in 'ctf'-convention, and
would also take away your need to call headcoordinates later on.
Best wishes,
On Apr 12, 2011, at 11:07 AM, <Jan.Hirschmann at med.uni-duesseldorf.de> <Jan.Hirschmann at med.uni-duesseldorf.de
> wrote:
> Dear fieldtrip experts,
> I have two questions regarding head model creation. As noted on this
> thread, the volumesegment function was updated and I tested it for
> our Neuromag data. The segmentation is performed, but unfortunately
> it is not aligned with the MRI in my case. Here is the code I am
> using, the fieldtrip is from 9th April 2011.
> %read mri
> mri = ft_read_mri(subject_files.fiff_mri);
> mri.anatomy=double(mri.anatomy);
> %these are the fiducials for this subject taken from the Neuromag
> GUI for coregistration
> cfg=[];
> cfg.fiducial.rpa=[136.35 142.80 31.96];
> cfg.fiducial.nas=[47.84 101.80 100.10];
> cfg.fiducial.lpa=[139.22 146.17 162.69];
> %define the head coordinate system according to CTF conventions
> cfg.method='fiducial';
> real_mri=ft_volumerealign(cfg,mri);
> %segment
> cfg = [];
> cfg.template = '/data/apps/spm/spm8/templates/T1.nii';
> cfg.coordinates = 'ctf';
> cfg.keepintermediate = 'no';
> segmentedmri = ft_volumesegment(cfg, real_mri);
> %plot white matter
> test=segmentedmri;
> test.anatomy=real_mri.anatomy;
> cfg=[];
> cfg.funparameter='white';
> ft_sourceplot(cfg,test); %see attached picture
> The other issue regards back-transformation from CTF to Neuromag
> coordinates, which is necessary to make the head model fit the
> sensors. My idea was to create an appropriate transformation matrix
> like this.
> cd /net/avidya/storage/home/jan/fieldtrip-20110409/private
> ctfmat=headcoordinates(nas,lpa,rpa,'ctf');
> nmmat=headcoordinates(nas,lpa,rpa,'neuromag');
> ctf_to_nm=nmmat/ctfmat;
> And then to use it on the head model to bring it back into Neuromag
> coordinates:
> %create single shell, realistic headmodel
> cfg = [];
> hdm = ft_prepare_singleshell(cfg,segmentedmri);
> % transformation of headmodel into Neuromag space
> hdm.bnd.pnt=warp_apply(ctf_to_nm,hdm.bnd.pnt,'homogeneous');
> Does this survive a sanity check?
> Best regards and thanks a lot,
> Jan
> Von: fieldtrip-bounces at donders.ru.nl [mailto:fieldtrip-bounces at donders.ru.nl
> ] Im Auftrag von Jen Whitman
> Gesendet: Montag, 28. Februar 2011 22:32
> An: Email discussion list for the FieldTrip project
> Betreff: [FieldTrip] I think you solved the problem
> I just checked, and when I re-ran my segmentation script with the
> new Fieldtrip in order to use an spm8 template image, coordinates
> got reversed. When I take out the calls to flipdim, they look fine
> (see attached screenshots). That certainly explains the meaningless
> results I was getting!
> Thanks for figuring that out,
> Jen
> On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 12:36 PM, jan-mathijs schoffelen <jan.schoffelen at donders.ru.nl
> > wrote:
> Hi Jen,
> At first glance I have a comment on your script. You may need to
> explicitly check the alignment of your segmented volume and the
> original anatomy. A while a go some changes were made to
> ft_volumesegment, taking away the need to do the flipdim(flipdim...
> operations. I have posted this on the discussion list last January,
> but you may not have noticed.
> Anyway, if you now have used a recent version of FieldTrip for your
> segmentation both the location of your dipole grid, and the volume
> conductor model will not be adequately coregistered with the data,
> which may lead to funky results to begin with. That's most likely
> not related to the filetype in which the volumes are saved for later
> use.
> Best wishes,
> Jan-Mathijs
> On Feb 28, 2011, at 8:59 PM, Jen Whitman wrote:
> Hello Jan,
> When calling volumesegment, I specified 'ctf' as the coordinate
> system. The function I wrote to call volumesegment and
> prepare_singleshell for each subject and save the results is pasted
> below, with a couple of comments added for clarity.
> Over the weekend I tried specifying the coordinate system in the
> call to ft_volumenormalise as 'ctf' rather than 'spm', and commented
> out all the lines that said cfg.spmversion = 'spm8'; before calling
> a function. However, that created worse results, as each plot
> involved stripes of activation and empty voxels, suggesting that
> 'ctf' was not the correct coordinate system to specify.
> Thanks for the attached script. Looking in that the comments in
> that, I suspect that the solution to my problems will be to specify
> my filetype as nifti_img rather than nifti. I'll let you know how
> that goes.
> Jen
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> % the variable subj is simply a string consisting of a subject
> number (e.g. 's05') which can be a folder name or part of a filename
> function [vol mri segmentedmri
> segmentedmriF]=call_volume_segment_function_spm8(subj)
> cfg.spmversion = 'spm8';
> cfg.template = '/home/woodwardlab/spm8/templates/EPI.nii';
> %cfg.template='/home/common/matlab/spm2/templates/T1.mnc';
> cfg.name=[subj '_volseg'];
> cfg.write='yes';
> cfg.smooth='no';
> cfg.coordinates='ctf';
> mri=read_mri([subj '/mri/' subj 'head.mri']); % made with CTF
> mriConverter and mriViewer software, after fiducials were marked
> segmentedmri = volumesegment(cfg, mri);
> segmentedmriF = segmentedmri;
> segmentedmriF.gray = flipdim(flipdim(flipdim(segmentedmriF.gray,3),
> 2),1);
> segmentedmriF.white = flipdim(flipdim(flipdim(segmentedmriF.white,3),
> 2),1);
> segmentedmriF.csf = flipdim(flipdim(flipdim(segmentedmriF.csf,3),
> 2),1);
> segmentedmriF.transform = mri.transform;
> segmentedmriF.anatomy = mri.anatomy;
> cfg = [];
> cfg.spmversion = 'spm8';
> vol = prepare_singleshell(cfg, segmentedmriF);
> eval(['save ' subj '/meg/mrisegmented.mat mri segmentedmri
> segmentedmriF vol'])
> On Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 5:26 AM, jan-mathijs schoffelen <jan.schoffelen at donders.ru.nl
> > wrote:
> Dear Jen,
> I do not manage to reproduce your issue, when only focussing on the
> ft_volumewrite and visualization part of your pipeline. See attached
> script, and yet an updated version of ft_volumewrite which you need
> to (hopefully) draw the same conclusion as I did.
> Yet, I only now realize that your question may pertain to the entire
> pipeline. It could be that something is going wrong there.
> I only see now that in the part of your script of which you reported
> that it gave 'good' results, you specify cfg.coordinates = 'ctf'
> before calling ft_volumenormalise. I assume this is correct, because
> the coordinate system your source-reconstructed data lives in, is
> according to the CTF-convention, and not according to the SPM-
> convention. On the other hand, the template for the spatial
> normalization lives in the SPM-coordinate system. In order for the
> spatial normalization to work OK, Fieldtrip tries to convert from
> one coordinate system to the other (once again, this is appropriate
> behaviour), before doing the actual normalization. It seems that at
> least in the script you sent along, in the final (not working
> version), you specified cfg.coordinates = 'spm' prior to calling
> ft_volumenormalise. This is probably wrong.
> Another important point that should be mentioned, is that the
> coordinate systems in which the functional data and the anatomical
> data live should be the same for the ft_sourceinterpolate to make
> sense. In other words, if your source reconstructed images are
> defined on a 3D grid of positions in CTF-space, the mri.transform of
> your anatomy should describe a transformation from voxel to CTF-space.
> I think you may want to revisit step by step this part of the
> pipeline; I don't think the problem lies in the writing.
> A final possibility of course is that Mricron is misbehaving...
> Best,
> Jan-Mathijs
> On Feb 25, 2011, at 9:44 PM, Jen Whitman wrote:
> Hi Jan,
> I tried re-running the analysis with the new script you sent me, and
> the latest version of fieldtrip (since I needed ft_get_opt as well),
> but the spm8 images being written are still producing flawed
> results. It's the same problem as I mentioned briefly in my previous
> post. I am not getting any error messages when writing these images.
> Rather, my problem is that the spm8 and spm2 results from the same
> data ought to be identical when viewed in mricron, but they're far
> from it. When I use mricron to look at the results from the spm8-
> format images, combined across participants to create a t-image, I
> just get a single 'blob' spanning roughly half the brain. In
> contrast, when I used spm2-format previously on the same data, the t-
> image was much more meaningful; a posterior alpha power decrease in
> a set of regions corresponding to the 'task-positive network' (a
> network found in the results of an fMRI version of my experiment,
> and widely reported in the fMRI literature).
> This failure to replicate the spm2 results when using spm8 images
> from the same data leads me to suspect that something is wrong with
> the coordinates for spm8 format. However, after experimenting
> extensively with different cfg options I still haven't identified
> the problem. If I my structural MRIs have been saved to .mri files
> using CTF's MRIConverter program, which cfg options, particularly
> for coordinates, template images, and filetypes, should I specify
> before calling the ft_volumesegment, ft_prepare_singleshell,
> ft_sourceinterpolate, ft_volumenormalise, and ft_volumewrite
> functions? Or should I be calling a different set of functions now?
> Thanks again for your help,
> Jen
> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 10:07 AM, Jen Whitman <jenwhitman at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Great, thanks!
> I'll start the analysis with your new script today and will let you
> know how it works out.
> Jen
> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 4:44 AM, jan-mathijs schoffelen <jan.schoffelen at donders.ru.nl
> > wrote:
> Dear Jen,
> I managed to reproduce your problem. The code was rather buggy and
> indeed ft_volumewrite did not behave as it should have. I now fixed
> it in the code and it should run fine now. Please find the updated
> file attached. It will be available on our ftp-server as of tonight.
> Please note that I updated the documentation, and changed the names
> of some of the options a bit. If you want to save your data in
> analyze-format, you should specify cfg.filetype = 'analyze_spm'. If
> you specify cfg.filetype = 'nifti', it should write out a volume to
> nifti-format, using SPM8.
> Best wishes,
> Jan-Mathijs
> On Feb 23, 2011, at 7:44 PM, Jen Whitman wrote:
>> Dear Jan,
>> Thanks for the quick reply. Yes, I have tried it out quite a few
>> times now, experimenting with different settings in the cfgs. Below
>> I'll paste the code I've been using to write images - first the
>> code that successfully created spm2 images that produced good
>> results, then the code used for creating nifti format images from
>> the same data. The comments in this second part are at this point a
>> bit of a maze of cfg options I've been changing back & forth. Any
>> insights/suggestions regarding how to set up my cfgs to make this
>> work would be greatly appreciated.
>> Jen
>> %%%%%%%% this code generated spm2-compatible images which did work
>> (producing results that made sense).
>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>> sourcetemp.avg.pow = (sourcetemp.avg.pow -
>> sourcePre.avg.pow) ./ sourcePre.avg.pow;
>> cfg = [];
>> cfg.downsample = 2;
>> sourcetempInt = sourceinterpolate(cfg, sourcetemp , mri);
>> % projecting the plot onto a surface...
>> cfg = [];
>> cfg.coordinates = 'ctf';
>> cfg.template = '/home/common/matlab/spm2/templates/T1.mnc';
>> %this template is in MNI coordinates
>> sourcetempIntN = volumenormalise(cfg, sourcetempInt);
>> filename=[subj 'run' int2str(r) 'cond' int2str(cond) '_'
>> int2str(f) 'HzWin' int2str(win) 'width750ms'];
>> cfg=[];
>> cfg.parameter = 'avg.pow'; % string, describing the
>> functional data to be processed, e.g. 'pow', 'coh' or 'nai'
>> cfg.filename = [filename '.img'];
>> %'testimageoutput_alphafreq'; % filename without the extension
>> cfg.filetype = 'spm'; %'analyze', 'spm', 'vmp' or 'vmr'
>> cfg.coordinates = 'spm'; %'spm, 'ctf' or empty for
>> interactive (default = [])
>> cfg.datatype = 'double'; %'float'; %'double'; %'bit1', 'uint8',
>> 'int16', 'int32', 'float' or 'double'
>> volumewrite(cfg, sourcetempIntN)
>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>> %%%%% this code below hasn't worked yet...
>> % I added cfg.spmversion = 'spm8';
>> % in the cfgs for the calls to ft_prepare_leadfield and
>> ft_sourceanalysis,
>> % and in the call to prepare_singleshell after calling volumesegment
>> % I've also ensured that spm8 is the only spm version in my path,
>> even in
>> % the fieldtrip/external folder, and ensured that spm8 is installed
>> properly
>> % (files compiled correctly, etc..)
>> sourcetemp.avg.pow = (sourcetemp.avg.pow -
>> sourcePre.avg.pow) ./ sourcePre.avg.pow;
>> filename=[subj 'run' int2str(r) 'cond' int2str(cond) '_'
>> int2str(f) 'Hzspm8_FIXv9_Win' int2str(win) 'width750ms.img'];
>> cfg = [];
>> % cfg.coordinates = 'spm'; % changed for version 5
>> % cfg.spmversion = 'spm8'; % changed for version 5
>> cfg.downsample = 4;
>> sourcetempInt = ft_sourceinterpolate(cfg, sourcetemp , mri);
>> % projecting the plot onto a surface...
>> cfg = [];
>> %cfg.coordinates = 'spm'; % changed for version 5
>> %cfg.coordinates = 'ctf'; % changed for version 5
>> cfg.coordinates = 'spm'; % changed back to spm for version 9
>> cfg.downsample = 4;
>> %cfg.spmversion = 'spm8'; % changed for version 6 (because this
>> gets specified in volumewrite)
>> cfg.template = 'Hmatrix/mask.nii.nii'; % basically equivalent
>> to using spm8/templates/EPI.nii, except that mask.nii (produced
>> from fmri data) has the desired voxel size
>> % cfg.name = [filename]; % changed for version 6
>> %cfg.write= 'yes'; % changed for version 6 (when this was set
>> to 'yes' there was no subsequent call to volumewrite)
>> cfg.write= 'no'; % changed for version 6
>> sourcetempIntN = ft_volumenormalise(cfg, sourcetempInt);
>> % this whole cfg and function call added for version 6
>> cfg=[];
>> % cfg.parameter = string, describing the functional data
>> to be processed, e.g. 'pow', 'coh' or 'nai'
>> % cfg.filename = filename without the extension
>> % cfg.filetype = 'analyze', 'spm', 'vmp' or 'vmr'
>> % cfg.vmpversion = 1 or 2 (default) version of the vmp-format
>> to use
>> % cfg.coordinates = 'spm, 'ctf' or empty for interactive
>> (default = [])
>> cfg.parameter='pow';
>> cfg.filename=filename;
>> cfg.filetype = 'spm';
>> cfg.spmversion = 'SPM8'; % capitalized after first error
>> message from vers 6
>> % cfg.dataformat='nifti'; % added after first error message from
>> vers 6
>> % commented out after 2nd error
>> message from vers 6
>> %cfg.vmpversion=2; % this is a filetype, like spm, so don't
>> need to specify unless cfg.filetyp='vmp'
>> cfg.coordinates='spm';
>> ft_volumewrite(cfg,sourcetempIntN);
>> On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 7:50 AM, jan-mathijs schoffelen <jan.schoffelen at donders.ru.nl
>> > wrote:
>> Dear Jen,
>> I notice that indeed in the documentation section of
>> ft_write_volume there is a FIXME behind nifti. Yet, nifti format
>> seems to be supported by ft_write_volume (at least in a recent
>> version of fieldtrip). Did you try it at all (and ran into
>> problems) or were you held back by the FIXME statement? Could you
>> just try it out using a recent fieldtrip function?
>> Thanks and best wishes
>> Jan-Mathijs
>> On Feb 23, 2011, at 2:21 AM, Jen Whitman wrote:
>> Hello,
>> While writing beamformed images to spm2 format in a previous
>> version of fieldtrip (now lost due to a computer crash), I was able
>> to get nice-looking results; networks of brain regions consistent
>> with existing literature. When I try to write images from the same
>> dataset and the same analysis to spm8 format, my results (t-images
>> computed across subjects) end up being single clusters spanning
>> large sections of the brain (e.g. a 'blob' spanning all of one
>> hemisphere but not the other). Unfortunately, some aspects of my
>> planned data analyses cannot be performed on spm2 images, so I have
>> to find a way of writing to successfully to nifti format.
>> I just noticed that in the comments in the ft_write_volume
>> function, which I am calling via ft_volumewrite, it says 'FIXME'
>> next to nifti under the list of supported dataformats. Is there by
>> any chance a patch out there for writing nifti images?
>> Thanks!
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>> fieldtrip mailing list
>> fieldtrip at donders.ru.nl
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>> Dr. J.M. (Jan-Mathijs) Schoffelen
>> Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour,
>> Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging,
>> Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
>> J.Schoffelen at donders.ru.nl
>> Telephone: 0031-24-3614793
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>> fieldtrip mailing list
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> Dr. J.M. (Jan-Mathijs) Schoffelen
> Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour,
> Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging,
> Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
> J.Schoffelen at donders.ru.nl
> Telephone: 0031-24-3614793
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> fieldtrip mailing list
> fieldtrip at donders.ru.nl
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> fieldtrip mailing list
> fieldtrip at donders.ru.nl
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> Dr. J.M. (Jan-Mathijs) Schoffelen
> Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour,
> Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging,
> Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
> J.Schoffelen at donders.ru.nl
> Telephone: 0031-24-3614793
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> fieldtrip mailing list
> fieldtrip at donders.ru.nl
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> fieldtrip mailing list
> fieldtrip at donders.ru.nl
> http://mailman.science.ru.nl/mailman/listinfo/fieldtrip
> Dr. J.M. (Jan-Mathijs) Schoffelen
> Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour,
> Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging,
> Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
> J.Schoffelen at donders.ru.nl
> Telephone: 0031-24-3614793
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> fieldtrip mailing list
> fieldtrip at donders.ru.nl
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Dr. J.M. (Jan-Mathijs) Schoffelen
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour,
Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging,
Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
J.Schoffelen at donders.ru.nl
Telephone: 0031-24-3614793
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