what's the planar gradient unit?

Jim Li megjim1 at GMAIL.COM
Fri Nov 5 15:18:26 CET 2010

That's good to know. Thanks a lot, jan-mathijs, :)


On Fri, 5 Nov 2010 09:22:24 +0100, jan-mathijs schoffelen 
<jan.schoffelen at DONDERS.RU.NL> wrote:

>FieldTrip doesn't explicitly know about the physical units (whether
>it's femto nano pico kilo or mega), so it is dependent on the system.
>If the magnetic field is defined in T, and the channel position in m,
>I'd say the unit after planar transformation is T/m
>On Nov 4, 2010, at 6:17 AM, Jim Li wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Can anybody help answer Marcel's question? For example, after
>> running "FT_MEGPLANAR" we can get a planar gradient of, say,
>> 4.21e-13, for
>> some channel. Is that number in the unit of "T/m" or what?
>> Thanks a lot.
>> Jim
>> On Fri, 4 May 2007 15:38:44 +0200, Marcel Bastiaansen
>> <Marcel.Bastiaansen at FCDONDERS.RU.NL> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> can anyone tell me what the unit is for planar gradients? Is that
>>> fT /
>>> square meter, or something else?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Marcel
>>> --
>>> dr. Marcel C.M. Bastiaansen.
>>> Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
>>> Visiting Adress: Wundtlaan 1, 6525 XD Nijmegen, the Netherlands
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>>> and
>>> FC Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging
>>> Visiting address: Kapittelweg 29, 6525 EN Nijmegen, the Netherlands
>>> Mailing address: PO Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen, the Netherlands
>>> phone: + 31 24 3610 882
>>> fax:   + 31 24 3610 989
>>> mail: marcel.bastiaansen at fcdonders.ru.nl
>>> web: http://www.ru.nl/aspx/get.aspx?
>> xdl=/views/run/xdl/page&ItmIdt=20592&SitIdt=119&VarIdt=96
>>> --
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>Dr. J.M. (Jan-Mathijs) Schoffelen
>Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour,
>Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging,
>Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
>J.Schoffelen at donders.ru.nl
>Telephone: 0031-24-3614793
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