problems with artifact correction after ICA

Cerisa Stawowsky cerisa.stawowsky at ONLINE.DE
Tue Nov 16 17:03:13 CET 2010

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Dear Fieldtrip user,

I used for my EEG-Data ICA to detect eye blinks. I remove the bad components and get 'cleaned' trials.
After ICA I want to use artifact correction for muscle artifacts, with following inputs:

DataAfterICATest =

 label: {128x1 cell}
 fsample: 1000
 trial: {1x39 cell}
 time: {1x39 cell}

trl = DataAfterICATest.sampleinfo

sampleinfo: [39x2 double]

cfg.trl = trl
cfg.artfctdef.muscle.trlpadding = 0.1
cfg.artfctdef.muscle.sgn = 'EEG'; % selection of valid channels
cfg.artfctdef.muscle.bpfreq = [110 140];
cfg.artfctdef.muscle.cutoff = 4; % default = 4
cfg = ft_artifact_muscle(cfg,DataAfterICATest); % automatic muscle activity rejection

I get following errors:

Error in ==> ft_fetch_data at 109
 count = count(begsample:endsample);

Error in ==> ft_artifact_zvalue at 163
 dat{trlop} = ft_fetch_data(data, 'header', hdr, 'begsample', trl(trlop,1)-fltpadding, 'endsample',
 trl(trlop,2)+fltpadding, 'chanindx', sgnind, 'checkboundary', strcmp(cfg.continuous,'no')
Error in ==> ft_artifact_muscle at 152
 [tmpcfg, artifact] = ft_artifact_zvalue(tmpcfg, data);

Have somebody experience with artifact correction after ICA or with trials?

Best regards,

Cerisa Stawowsky

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