paths to connectivity function

Jan Hirschmann Jan.Hirschmann at MED.UNI-DUESSELDORF.DE
Tue Nov 23 10:20:22 CET 2010

Dear fieldtrip developers,


I have just installed the newest version as outlined on your website
(addpath without genpath and calling fieldtripdefs, old paths removed).
I noticed that calling ft_connectivityanalysis with method "coh" now
results in the error


??? Undefined function or method 'univariate2bivariate' for input
arguments of type 'struct'.


It is overcome by manually adding the folder connectivity to the search
path. Maybe fieldtripdefs does not include the connectivity functions





Jan Hirschmann

MSc. Neuroscience

Insititute of Clinical Neuroscience and Medical Psychology

Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf

Universitaetsstr.  1
40225  Duesseldorf

Tel: 0049 - (0)211 - 81 - 18076


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