Partial Directed Coherence

Ivana Konvalinka ivana.konvalinka at GMAIL.COM
Tue Nov 9 11:36:45 CET 2010


I was wondering if it would be possible to get more information on partial
directed coherence, using ft_connectivityanalysis. I've been trying to set
it up on the frequency data of pairs of EEG electrodes, by partialling out
motor evoked fields.

Hence, something like this:
cfg.method = 'pdc';
cfg.channelcmb = { pairs of electrodes here };
cfg.partchannel = { electrodes containing fourier spectra of motor events };

pdc1 = ft_connectivityanalysis(cfg, freqs);

I get the following error: "reference to non-existent field 'transfer'".

Is there any more documentation on this method in fieldtrip?

Thanks in advance!


Ivana Konvalinka
PhD Student
Interacting Minds Group
Center of Functionally Integrative Neuroscience
University of Aarhus

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