issue with cfg.interplimits

Reyna L. Gordon gordon at CCS.FAU.EDU
Fri May 21 20:50:46 CEST 2010

Dear Fieldtrippers,

I am having an issue with creating topoplots of time-frequency data
acquired on an EGI system and processed in Fieldtrip, and I was
wondering if anyone could help.

Everything works great (this toolbox has been wonderful to use in
general!) except that the colors that represent power are not
interpolating to electrodes that are lower than the origin.
Unfortunately, using the default option for cfg.projection =
'orthographic' for ft_prepare_layout, seems to greatly distort the
layout for these data, probably because I have too few electrodes. A
better option for me seems to be cfg.projection = 'polar', and I am
fine with those few electrodes appearing outside of the head.

However, the data corresponding to those electrodes is not there - I
suspect that there is a problem at the level of cfg.interplimits.
This is the code I'm using:

cfg = [];
cfg.rotate = 0;
cfg.projection = 'polar';
newlay=ft_prepare_layout(cfg, bin1);
cfg = [];

cfg.layout  = newlay;
cfg.yparam = 'freq';
cfg.xlim= [0.150 0.150];
cfg.ylim= [13 30];
cfg.zlim = [-0.10 0.10];
cfg.highlight          = 'on';
cfg.baseline = 'no';
cfg.commentpos = 'title';
cfg.shading    = 'interp';
cfg.interplimits = 'electrodes'; %Should work here? = 'straight';
cfg.zparam   = 'powspctrm';
cfg.fontsize = 12;
cfg.gridscale = 100;
ft_topoplotTFR(cfg, bin1);

According to the documentation,  specifying cfg.interplimits =
'electrodes' should achieve what I want here, but it still does not
interpolate the plot outside of the head.
Attached are some images generated with different cfg.interplimits and
cfg.projection options. I have tried upgrading to the most recent
release of FT, but it doesn't change the outcome.

Any and all insight would be greatly appreciated.

Reyna L. Gordon
PhD Candidate
Center for Complex Systems & Brain Sciences
Florida Atlantic University
gordon at

The aim of this list is to facilitate the discussion between users of the FieldTrip  toolbox, to share experiences and to discuss new ideas for MEG and EEG analysis. See also and
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The aim of this list is to facilitate the discussion between users of the FieldTrip  toolbox, to share experiences and to discuss new ideas for MEG and EEG analysis. See also and

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