impossible to call definetrials after preprocessing?

Henning Holle h.holle at SUSSEX.AC.UK
Thu Mar 18 19:54:42 CET 2010

Dear list members,

I have an EEG data set, for which I prepared the EOG channels for
artifact rejection and referenced the EEG data to linked mastoids (as
described here

I thought I'd do this once at the beginning, save the dataset to disk,
and then continue with definetrials. However, definetrials only seems to
be able read raw data, not the matlab data set I created by the
re-rereferencing procedure. Does that mean that I can only prepare EOG
channels and  re-rereferencing after calling definetrials? (which would
duplicate a lot of code...) Or is there also another of doing this that
involves less duplication of code?

Many thanks in advance,


Dr. Henning Holle,
Department of Psychology,
University of Sussex,
Falmer, Brighton,
BN1 9QH, U.K.
Tel. : +44 (0)1273 877240
Fax. : +44 (0)1273 678058

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