[FieldTrip] Hann taper vs. single Slepian taper

David Groppe dgroppe at cogsci.ucsd.edu
Thu Dec 16 15:01:52 CET 2010

Hi Fieldtripians,
   Could anyone explain to me when, if ever, it would be better to
perform a DFT with a Hann taper vs. a single Slepian taper?  It was my
understanding that Slepian tapers in general optimally maximized
frequency resolution while minimizing leakage from distant
frequencies.  However, a colleague of mine says he was told at a
workshop at the Donders Institute that a Hann taper was better than a
single Slepian taper (if you are only going to use one taper).
       thanks for your help,

David Groppe, Ph.D.
dgroppe at cogsci.ucsd.edu

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