mne and ft_sourceinterpolate
Gregor Volberg
Fri Aug 20 14:13:42 CEST 2010
Dear fieldtrippers,
I am trying to extract source activity from timelock-data, and I would like to have this for a whole epoch of 1 sec / 501 sample points. I did an ft_sourceanalysis with method = 'mne', which worked fine and gave the desired source activity (see structure "source" below; field "avg" contains "mom" and "pow"). Next I did an ft_sourceinterpolate with "source" and a standard mri as input. Unfortunately, the resulting structure did not contain an "avg" field any more (see "ivol" below) - my functional data got lost during interpolation. Did someone have a similar problem or does someone know a solution?
Many thanks in advance for any help!
P.S.: Source interpolation works without problems with method = 'lcmv', but this gives the mean source activity within the desired time range rather than sample-wise activity. It is not a good idea to apply the lcmv beamformer to consecutive time bins and then concatenate the source activity, am I right?
source =
xgrid: [-66 -56 -46 -36 -26 -16 -6 4 14 24 34 44 54 64]
ygrid: [-105 -95 -85 -75 -65 -55 -45 -35 -25 -15 -5 5 15 25 35 45 55 65]
zgrid: [-46 -36 -26 -16 -6 4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84]
dim: [14 18 14]
vol: [1x1 struct]
time: [1x501 double]
pos: [3528x3 double]
inside: [1x1808 double]
outside: [1x1720 double]
method: 'average'
avg: [1x1 struct]
cfg: [1x1 struct]
ivol =
inside: [181x217x181 logical]
dim: [181 217 181]
transform: [4x4 double]
anatomy: [181x217x181 uint8]
cfg: [1x1 struct]
Dr. rer. nat. Gregor Volberg <gregor.volberg at> ( mailto:gregor.volberg at )
University of Regensburg
Institute for Experimental Psychology
93040 Regensburg, Germany
Tel: +49 941 943 3862
Fax: +49 941 943 3233
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