Job opening for EEG/MEG scientist at MEGIS Software
Karsten Hoechstetter
khoechstetter at BESA.DE
Tue Aug 17 18:05:09 CEST 2010
Open job position
MEGIS Software GmbH (Munich, Germany) is searching to hire an EEG/MEG
scientist to join our support and development team in Germany.
Job profile:
The successful applicant will
- contribute to the development of new analysis techniques and program
- participate in joint research projects with our customers
- represent our products and software at neuroimaging conferences
- teach the use of our software at customer workshops worldwide
- provide scientific and technical support to our customers
(predominantly via email)
MEGIS is one of the leading developers of EEG/MEG analysis software. Our
BESA programs are widely used software for analysis of EEG and MEG data for
both research and clinical applications (see <> As a free enterprise in the field of science and research we
can offer job positions combining the advantages of both fields: Stay in
touch with current front-end research work while enjoying the advantages of
a permanent position with adequate salary.
Applicants profile:
- The applicant should have a background in nature science (e.g.
physics) or psychology, preferential including a PhD degree.
- Experience in EEG/MEG data analysis (practical and/or theoretical)
is desired.
- Knowledge of the BESA software is helpful, but not a must.
- Fluency in written and spoken English are a prerequisite for the
announced position.
- Since the place of work will be mainly our office in Germany, the
applicant should be able to communicate in German.
- Experience in MATLAB scripting or other programming skills are
- The applicant should be willing to travel to neuroscientific
conferences and workshops worldwide 6-8 times per year.
Applications should include a current CV, a letter indicating motivation and
skills, and a list of publications. Electronic applications preferred.
Please send your application to Theodor Scherg ( <mailto:tscherg at>
tscherg at or to:
MEGIS Software GmbH
Freihamer Str. 18
82166 Graefelfing
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Dr. Karsten Hoechstetter
MEGIS Software GmbH
Gräfelfing, Germany
HRB München 109956
CEO Dr. Michael Scherg
The aim of this list is to facilitate the discussion between users of the FieldTrip toolbox, to share experiences and to discuss new ideas for MEG and EEG analysis. See also and
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